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About EnjoyDayZ

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Hello my Play with Six update bar gets stuck at 100% when installing DayZ. This has been going on for about 2 weeks now. I have tried reinstalling dayz i have tried reinstalling Play with six. I have completely deleted @dayZ and .rsync None of these have solved my problem. The only thing i know is that the only thing that doesn't download is dayz readme.txt.gz shown by clicking the update green bar which does say 100% i can create a video of this detailing the problem further but it seems that all quick fixes for this problem don't work. Eventually it times out and i get an error that closes six launcher. fun fun.... Would like to get on my server instead of admining from arma 2 rcon constantly.
  2. EnjoyDayZ

    New server help (XelaServers)

    Dont have side chat not sure how to get it.
  3. EnjoyDayZ

    New server help (XelaServers)

    Despite all attempts I can no longer get into the control panel, this problem started around 4am and the server stopped letting people on. Xela Live chat only lets you leave a message and the message has not been returned. Does anyone else use Xela? I feel I might have made a bad choice...
  4. EnjoyDayZ

    New server help (XelaServers)

    Its actually for a Private Hive, that is stated and i did attempt to open ticket. 24/7 support not as advertised i guess.
  5. Hi, just decided to start privte hive server with XelaServers but have found myself stuck with some problems. It is with great hopes I turn here seeking help. Problem 1: Does anyone know if I can change server name (to include port) Problem 2: Does anyone know if/how i can change loadout Problem 3: When trying to click "Server Control" on lobby screen I get kicked from game with server restriction #67 Problem 4: Similer to Problem 3 only its when i hit Shift P in game, the error is #227 however. Problem 5: Server is listed as a british server is there a way to get it moved to a US location I don't know if anyone is proficient with Xela Control Panel (I would hope so...) but im looking for any sort of help here.