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Everything posted by Antroh

  1. Yes!!!!! Just increase the drop ratios for some low end weapons and I think it will be perfect.
  2. Antroh

    Completely invisible

    Ok, I sent it. Now its a waiting game. Hoping this gets resolved. Listening to my 3 friends playing is killing me!
  3. Antroh

    Completely invisible

    Thanks for the help adrian
  4. Antroh

    Completely invisible

    Could you elaborate? How was the issue fixed?
  5. Antroh

    Completely invisible

    Same problem. I have tried every single solution listed here and nothing has worked. The game is unplayable, and I feel like an ass for killing people because I didnt realize I was invisible until I met up with friends. Also, my main profile is under the name of tony. My Characters name is Ant