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Everything posted by jek0905

  1. jek0905

    Looking to expand Group!

    I want in on this too. I am serious about this game and am 17. My skype name is rental747. I hope to hear from you soon.
  2. jek0905

    Need pickup at Cherno.

    My god people you are so brutal. I prefer to believe that people are good until proven bad. Sadly i don't have a chopper to pick you up in. Just thought i should give my opinion
  3. jek0905

    Need team (NEW PLAYER)

    I don't mind playing with you. I'll add you
  4. jek0905

    WANTED: The Hunters of the Hunters (13+)

    Age: 17 Timezone: EST Preferred Weapon Type: Sniper type, long range Playing Style: Careful in towns in cities, run along roads and such. If forced to kill i prefer to be in a long range position or a position of good cover Other Info: I hate bandits, it is so irrational just to shoot on sight. Curious as to how you would know who the bandits are