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Everything posted by Fearless96

  1. Fearless96

    My DayZ review

    There are some cons in the game, although hopefully the standalone can clear some things up! :)
  2. Fearless96

    1st day

    Good luck :P
  3. Hey guys its me again! Havent posted in a while, and just gonna tell you a small tip in dayz from my past experiences. So basically if you see somebody walking around or in the same building as you, dont bother typing "friendly" or "i wont shoot". You dont know if the other player is out to kill players or zombies. What you need to do is aim the gun to his/her head (make sure you keep some distance) and in the mic say "If you move or turn around i will shoot. I am friendly and will not shoot you". If they decide to turn around or start running then by all means go ahead and shoot them because who knows what there next move is. If they dont move and have a mic on them they will talk to you back and hopefully its a "ok i wont shoot". Thats just a small tip i picked up over my experience because i have died countless times due to players shooting me before i even get to type "Friendly" Note: Some people may disagree with this method however it is the only one which has not got me killed yet. ~Nicemod
  4. Fearless96


    I recommend the balotabuddies servers. Visit http://balotabuddies.net and click on 'Get Whitelisted' then follow the steps.
  5. http://balotabuddies.net/ Best servers for dayz, no hackers and no lag! Highly recommend it!
  6. Fearless96

    Basic survival guide.

    Nice info, thanks for sharing :)
  7. Fearless96

    Need major help

    Yep that could work :) If its a laptop you could also take it to his place and download it there
  8. Fearless96

    Help a noob out!

    Get whitelisted on a private hive server and also view some tutorial on how to play on youtube.
  9. Fearless96

    Regular Servers

    Yea dayz commander is much better, also i recommend private hive servers as some contain much less hackers then the original.
  10. Fearless96

    Day 65

    Hackers.... Ruins the game at times
  11. Fearless96

    Should I start playing?

    Get it bro!! :)
  12. Fearless96

    What Recording Software should I use?

    Trust me, i have tried many screen recorders in my time and fraps is always what i fall back on. I edit the vids with vegas and compression is reasonable :)
  13. Hey everyone! So ive known this site for ages and it definetly can be trusted! It basically installs a small file on the computer which looks at your specs and matches it with the game specs. If it see's that your computer exceeds these specs it will give you a pass, if not it will give you recommendations :) They pretty much have every game available on there and not just DayZ. Website: http://www.systemreq...ntslab.com/cyri If you need any help please feel free to ask! Here's a screenshot of my results: Happy new year! :)
  14. Fearless96

    Question about private servers

    1) They are pretty good, i recently used http://www.hfbservers.com/ for my server. The connection was great and there was no lag between me or my friends. 2 ) I am not completely sure, however i have seen servers with custom vehicles... you just have to find a way :)
  15. If i find time i might talk to you guys! I am experienced btw :)
  16. Fearless96

    DayZ Noob: Day 2 (With MerTeeVee)

    Bro i dont know if its me but your link doesnt work. Update the link to this: www.youtube.com/watch?v=5An9wAC6pRE Remember to get rid of the extra bit at the end :)
  17. Fearless96

    Grand Theft DayZ

    Nice video, i subbed :)
  18. Fearless96

    DayZ Memes

    Someone should seriously make a facebook page hahaha
  19. Gonna buy this for a friend. Have to wait for my bloody money to transfer to paypal haha
  20. Nice tutorial, however this is a PC game... why on earth would you want to play it with a xbox controller with limited buttons?
  21. Fearless96

    Farm Animal fun-sucking

    Tip for you: Dont quickly look for an alternative server, make sure you look around and find the best possible one with the most anti-hack plugins. Also good admins/mods are great if you run into some trouble :)
  22. Fearless96

    I only bought arma 2...

    Haha bro should have done your research!! I was also going to make the same mistake when i was buying it lol
  23. Fearless96

    Noob to DayZ+... What is it?

    There is a whole explanation at the DayZ homepage
  24. Fearless96

    The dumbest/funniest things you've seen in DayZ?

    Hahah there are some stupid people aye
  25. Fearless96

    A problem running ARMA II.

    Try running it as admin? Works for somethings for me haha