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Everything posted by Geamr

  1. Still in. Pay attention to the changelog.
  2. ;_; He wasn't even moving at all.
  3. What happened to to loot they are supposed to have? I've found like half a dozen now and none of them had any loot inside our around them. Is that all they are now? Stationary turrets?
  4. Geamr

    As For Missions for Dayz

    That's the exact opposite of what this mod is supposed to be. No.
  5. Geamr

    higher body count=better items?

    I was wondering about this as well. Are there any other modifiers to loot other than the spawn chances we see in the loot chartst? Because when i raided some town with a group the general store was full of ammo, and the hospital overflowing with blood bags, but when i died and went there on my own a few hours later ALL of the buildings/deer stands i encountered on the way had mostly tin cans, and the hospital had like a few epi pens and morphine, only one crate and even that was filled with tin cans.