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About DayZ_FTW

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. DayZ_FTW

    [New] International Clan Recruiting 13+

    Is this for dayz commander because for some reason I dont get the option to run as combined ops even tho I bought combineed ops. If this is for dayz commander or if you can help me I would be glad to apply for your clan :)
  2. DayZ_FTW

    Looking for group/clan to join

    I'm not in a clan I am just looking for some people to play DayZ with. Do you want to play DayZ with me?
  3. DayZ_FTW

    Looking for group/clan to join

    Please have skype and leave your skype info. I am still looking for more people though, I have not decided.
  4. Ok I just started playing dayz, but I watched alot of videos before I got the game so I know the basics and controlls. I want someone or somepeople to play with. I am 13 (I am mature), I will listen, I will contribute, and I've already played. If you want someone to play with my skype is spncrkrg and I use dayzcommander (I don't know if it maters if what I use to run the game.)