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Everything posted by GamerGaming

  1. UPDATE: WE now have Self bloodbag,ai missions, tow/lift,refuel,custom debug,house light/street light,custom loadout
  2. Our Epoch server is brand new so right now its an even playing field Better join Soon... We are currently in the process of setting up and installing the scripts We have very friendly admins who are of the age of 16 and up. We have 250+ Vehicles Higher Spawn rate for good loot We also have a TS Game IP: TS IP: 97thGaming.Teamspeak3.com WE HOPE TO SEE YOU SOON! Hosted By SurvivalServers.com
  3. Our Epoch server is brand new so right now its an even playing field Better join Soon... We are currently in the process of setting up and installing the scripts We have very friendly admins who are of the age of 16 and up. We have 250+ Vehicles Higher Spawn rate for good loot We also have a TS Game IP: TS IP: 97thGaming.Teamspeak3.com WE HOPE TO SEE YOU SOON!
  4. Our Epoch server is brand new so right now its an even playing field Better join Soon... We are currently in the process of setting up and installing the scripts We have very friendly admins who are of the age of 16 and up. We have 250+ Vehicles Higher Spawn rate for good loot We also have a TS Game IP: TS IP: 97thGaming.Teamspeak3.com WE HOPE TO SEE YOU SOON!
  5. Me and my friends are trying to make a dayz epoch server and i keep getting an error that says i need to change something in the @localhost. My server worked before the update and now when i tried to update it. If someone could help please add me on skype at motoxracer912. Thanks!!! :D
  6. GamerGaming

    Need help making a DayZ Epoch server

    i am makeing a server and need help setting it up i keep getting errors like waiting for host and cannot connect to database using password YES if someone could please help me that would be awesome my skype is motoxracer912.
  7. Age:16 Experience: A little i had my own server for a while but it was too hard to manage on my own. Maturity: Out of 10 i would say 7 or 8 being honest I want to join because i think it would be a fun experience and i could help keep at least one good server out there that's fun ;). It also give me the a chance to get more experience in this field to be better in the future. And if you are deciding on a specific dayz mod i would pick epoch its the best to me. I can also provide a Team Speak for the server. If you need to contact me my skype is motoxracer912
  8. GamerGaming

    Need help making a DayZ Epoch server

    I used to have a dayz epoch server and i could actually play it but now i updated it i cant play it because when i join a server it shuts down and it says i need to change something in the @localhost. I also need help installing blue phoenix's admin tool. So if someone can help me thanks.