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Everything posted by ado4334

  1. ado4334

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    I havent played dayz ive been told to wait for the standalone, but idk if ican run it or not and nobody replies helpfully on ca i run it thread
  2. ado4334

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Will they be he same as thedayz mod?? my requirements are: CPU: AMD Athlon™ II X4 620 Processor CPU speed: 2.6 ghz RAM: 4.1GB OS:Microsoft W7 Home Premium Edition SP1 (build 7601), 64-bit Video card: GeForce G210 Sound card: NVIDIA High Definition Audio Free disk space: 367.3 GB It's a Hp pavillion slimline would i be able to run dayz mod and/or the standalone?
  3. So I was planning to purchase Arma 2 and then get the Dayz mod, but i've been told to wait for the 'standalone'. Can somebody please explain to me what this means, where i can get info on it, when it is released, price etc. Will it be an exact copy of Dayz mod or will it be improved, so worth waiting to get it rather than just buyign Arma 2 and downloading the free mod. PC knowledge limited and i don't knowing anyhting on day z, so even if you feel stupid posting basic things im all ears. Thanks in advance.
  4. Yep I understand , DayZ is a mod that runs on arma 2 CO, the standalone is something separately purchased. Do you have any tiem frame when the game will be released? I really want to play and if it isnt released for another couple of months or so id just buy arma 2 co and use the mod. I havent really seen many recent updates on it apart from some screenshots form months ago :s . Is there another place where rocket keeps people informed?
  5. Also can you link me to rockets thread on warz (his latest update)?
  6. Sorry what? Click on ym browser and i can activate arma 2? I don't mind paying more for a physical copy, IS co JUST ARMA 2+ OPERATION ARROWHEAD?
  7. I looked on amazon, i can find any 'arma 2 combined operations'. There are afew different arma 2's then arma 2 reinforcements. Reckon you could do me a massive favour and find me one so i know what the right one looks like please?
  8. Nice, you think its easier to buy it as a disk ?
  9. Ah ok that is clear to me now i didn't know all the different ArmA 2 variatents. So at the moment, everyone who plays Dayz has bought ArmA 2 CO and has downloaded the free mod?? So say i buy ArmA2 CO off steam what do i do to get day z? ( again, sorry formy basic knowledge of my pc) i used 'can i run it' and it says i can run arma 2
  10. Looks similar to DayZ and has a simliar name, is one a copy of the other or something?
  11. Is it as good as day z? and i odn t really see the point of paying for arma 2 to play dayz if a better version is going to be released in like 4 weeks
  12. Thanks for responses. What is WarZ? And you think it will ocme out January?
  13. Thanks a lot i appreciate you replying. In what ways will it be better? and does anyone know a rough date it will be released?