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Everything posted by Ezekiel16

  1. Hey, Im 19 from Kentucky, ive played Dayz some, but stopped because its not fun playing alone, looking to get back into it. Have a mic and teamspeak.
  2. Name: Jarred Age: 19TeamSpeak Name: Workz Mic?: YES!Why do you want to join?: Not as fun alone, Never will be! Experience in game: had it for a while now.Timezone: Central time zone.Bio: Yolo!In game Name: Workz
  3. Hey, i would really love to join up with you guys, ive just started playing, and it sucks playing by your self im 18 years old, and live in texas. i have a headset and i know all the basic stuff about dayz im not a complete noob but i am new, im lookin for a good community to play with :P p
  4. Ezekiel16

    Looking for group/clan to join

    Hey! i just started playing as well, ive done the same as you watched videos and such, im also looking for people to play with my skype is ezekiel-rage!
  5. Ezekiel16

    Need Some DayZ Friends.

    added you on steam
  6. Hey guys i just downloaded the game last night im lookin to meet some friends who wanna try to suvrivie together and have alot of fun, my Steam is EzekielX19... Thanks.
  7. Ezekiel16

    New player looking for friends

    ok i added you on skype!
  8. Ezekiel16

    New player looking for friends

    sorry about that, i live in texas so its Central Time, im just looking for people that will help me with the basics of the game and teach me a few things about it and just want to have fun and fight to survive i also have a headset which is always better to talk to be with. Thanks!