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About Lazaruz

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Lazaruz

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Yes, I'm sure the Greek government has no issue handing out laptops to prisoners accused of espionage... Just hope that their case is resolved as soon as possible, so they can get back home. My money is on 4-6 months until standalone release.
  2. I'm still wrestling with the decision to cough up 15 euros for the mod, while I wait for the SA. Steam sale ends tomorrow. Wish I could get inside Rockets head, to see whether it was a sensible idea. I can wait a couple weeks no problem, couple months... not so much. Decisions decisions.
  3. Lazaruz

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Just wanted to drop by and tell you that I have started creating a zombie virus IRL. But I hope the DayZ SA comes out before I finish. Either way I'm having my apocalypse.