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Everything posted by plrsniper

  1. plrsniper

    DayZ at "149 FPS"

    I would love to have 70 FPS where you are standing. But i can't afford new computer parts just yet. I have a I7 2600K at stock clock (3.5 GHZ), 8GB 1600 MHz ram and a GTX580. What do you have? And how many zombies where there? That doesn't seem to be a standard server, maybe the amount of objects and zombies spawned are reduced? Either way, i would love to have 70 FPS in cherno... EDIT: My view distance is set at 2.5 K though. And the server tends to limit it to 1.2 K. Maybe i should fiddle some with my viewdistance settings and see if i can get the same results. EDIT #2: Oh and the server limits the view distance, your 1K setting is overridden by the server. And to me it looked like the viewdistance was set at 600 meters in your previous shot. Change your view distance to 6-700 and see if you notice a difference, then set it to 300 to compare. You should notice an immediate FPS boost as you set your view distance lower than the servers current setting.
  2. - Bandit skin is back/has always been there. - A tent, vehicle or your backpack. Anywhere else and it will be gone at server restart. - I can't tell the difference as far as cheaters go. Zombies on the other hand glitch way less and are easier to break LOS with. Zombies walking through walls 6 months ago happened more often than not for me, today i see one zombie out of some hundred walk through a wall. - I shoot on sight, i like my bandit skin. I want people to engage me any chance they get. It keeps the game interesting. But there are still friendlies too, i just don't see the point. Killing zombies and farming gear only lasts you that long. Getting a vehicle is fun for a day but that too gets old fast. Fighting is the ultimate DayZ experience and i can't understand how some players can stand the boredom of running around merely "surviving". - See the change logs.
  3. If i see someone and i don't have a weapon i make damn well sure to find a weapon fast before the target can slip away.
  4. plrsniper

    DayZ at "149 FPS"

    Yeah, view distance plays a big part. On that last screenshot it looks like the view distance is about 600 meters. And when you go into cherno your FPS will dip below 50 at the very least.
  5. There will be a "EPEEN monitor" that you can access by pressing scroll lock. There you can see the number of headshots, zombie kills, bandit kills, player kills and humanity. So if you are a EPEEN warrior then you will have easy access to YOUR stats. You just won't be able to see other players stats. That's all... Why you would want to measure your EPEEN against another players EPEEN is beyond me. Just focus on how you are doing and ignore those that are better or worse than you. ----- And how this thread turned from a discussion on the leaderboard / MP Table into a discussion on what server has the most cheaters is beyond me. One thing i know for sure, after having found the right whitelisted server i feel i haven't been cheated on in a loooong time... Apart from the combat loggers of course.
  6. plrsniper

    Change your face!

    Mind you, not all servers support custom face textures. It puts a burden on the network traffic.
  7. plrsniper

    Is DayZ considered an indie game ....

    Well, i will put my two cents in here... Bohemia Interactive Studios are both a development Studio and their own publishers and they are quite a big studio. That is quite rare to date. They are independent but they are also large enough to be their own publisher. Same with DICE, they are large enough to fund and publish their own titles. What differs the two is one (BIS) care about their playerbase and still want to make their own game irregardless of what others are doing. They want to make money but they don't go overboard with it, just make enough money to keep making games and not too much money where they lose sight of what is important to them. The other (DICE) are doing it just for the money, they don't care about their game any more than the part where they make more money from their game. They don't love their game, they don't even like their own game. Of course they will lie and say they do to make more money but the times past where DICE made games they really could stand behind are long gone. DayZ is a mod of an indie developers game. On one hand i want to call ArmA 2 a AAA title because it meets all the expectations i have of a big title like any other. But ArmA 2 goes far beyond that in my eyes, it's a fully fledged simulator with astonishing attention to detail. Just today, my friend was amazed at the quality of a simple lightning strike. How detailed and beautiful it was and the delay between the flash and the thunder. And the fact it wasn't "scripted" into the game like so many other games. Truly a great engine/game! DayZ SA will be a game, developed by a few BIS employees. Since BIS are an independent studio, DayZ SA will be an independent game to an independent studio. It will be twice as independent as ArmA 2 and with just the same amount of attention to detail i am sure. In short and in my eyes, DayZ SA is an indie title.
  8. My eyes turn red. Then i repeatedly say: Murder, Death, Kill... Murder, Death, Kill... Murder, Death, Kill... Murder, Death, Kill... Until whomever it was is dead. Then i make happy faces in side chat! ^_^
  9. plrsniper

    SA DayZ: No Modifications? [POLL]

    Why should it be locked down just because it's "becoming a game" though? Do you want the game to be equal across the globe? That can (and is) already happening. You have the official DayZ servers and you have the private hives. The official servers are almost helpless to the many varieties of cheaters out there. The private hives can have whitelists which filters out most cheaters because they are only after a quick rampage on a server they can easily access. Then, private hives will cater to the many kinds of players that exist out there. Some like low vehicle count servers, having a vehicle becomes so much more special to them and those that don't have a vehicle will hunt those that have or leave the server because they are fed up with walking. And there are those servers that have plenty of vehicles, some to the point of absurdity, which ensures nobody will have to walk from point A to point B very often. There are servers that reduce the amount of zombies to save on performance for both the server and the clients. There are servers that have limited view distance so players with low end PC's can compete too. While all of this can be turned into settings server side you will quickly find that there are several orders of magnitude more that the players may or may not want to have in the game. If it wasn't for the open nature of DayZ we wouldn't have Namalsk and all the other maps as alternatives thus far. We wouldn't have a few of the features that are part of DayZ today without customization. On that note and relevant to this topic. Battlefield 1942 was mod-able. It spawned the Desert Combat mod and without that mod, Battlefield 2 would not have become the success it was, we might not have seen any more battlefield games at all. Interest in that type of game might not have been as high and ArmA 2 might not have become what it is today. Lack of interest in the title may have kept Rocket from making DayZ and we wouldn't be sitting here talking about this to begin with... Mods are a very important part of a title, especially one that is independent and doesn't have a huge flock of blind sheep that will line up at the store as long as the title contains anything like "Call of Duty" or "Battlefield" or has a Blizzard logo on it etc etc. All of these games thrived on the success of mods made for them, then they turned their backs on the core community and started releasing "just another game". Mark my words... One day these kind of titles will be doomed to failure and their developers will have no idea why. But titles like Minecraft, ArmA 3 and others like it... Games that allow modifications and customization from the community will thrive as more and more gamers want THEIR game and not something some ill informed game designer decides to make. Not saying Dean "Rocket" Hall is ill informed but eventually, he too will fall prey to making bad decisions whose counter complaints drown in the day to day rambles of the community. A decision that will destroy the title in the long run.
  10. No, i just have faith in yours and like minded peoples ability to ruin the developers sanity. As Dean Hall has already expressed in regards to the mistakenly implied Christmas "deadline" that was "missed". I won't tell you again... READ!
  11. plrsniper

    SA DayZ: No Modifications? [POLL]

    One of the most common misconceptions in gaming development is that locking down mod-ability or not going open source is somehow going to stop cheaters, exploiters, hackers etc from breaking into the game. In fact, lack of customizing and insight into the source is detrimental to the anti hack efforts. Please understand how game/engine development works and how hackers break the measures taken to inject their cheats into a game. Any game. I will try to explain it in as much "layman terms" as possible so everybody can understand. Let's start off with an example, something that most people should have faced at one point or another. Imagine you are a kid around 7-10 years old, your brother gets one of those plastic safes to keep his loose change in. You would love to have that change, you wouldn't steal it but you want to at the very least hold it in your hand. So your brother is out of the house, maybe he is at summer camp or somewhere else. He isn't coming home in a few days at least. It's one of these: You already know that you need to turn the wheel one way and then another. So you start messing around with it, you turn it clockwise a few times and you turn it counter clockwise a few times and try to open it. It stays locked but you keep on trying and trying. Eventually you get frustrated with not being able to open it so you take a table knife and stick in into the side of the door to try and pry it open. That doesn't work and you are afraid you might break it or leave marks that your brother will see. But you notice as you turn the wheel with the door slightly opened that the wheel is scratching against something as you turn it. And you learn that by simply pulling on the wheel as you turn it you get the same result. Intrigued you pull on the wheel and turn it around until *clunk*, the door opens part way! You now turn the wheel some more until the door opens completely and you can now pick and choose among the stuff inside the "safe". You look at your brothers money, you leave it be because you know he will find out if you take it. But you also find small clippings from photos, lots of girls from his school that he likes. A few half finished love letters etc etc. That is how hackers operate, they poke and prod until they get to what they want. Except this is not a kids game, this is not a kids safe. But the underlying reason for doing it is the same none the less! They do it because it intrigues them. So, continuing the story then. You are proud to have broken into your brothers safe, you now know his secrets and know you can take his money whenever you want. Should he wrong you in any way you know you can retaliate by stealing his saved up pennies. Then, one day you and your brother are spending time together in his room playing with whatever toys you have. You have a great time together and you have this idea to build a puzzle box... Example of what a puzzle box is: As you can probably figure out, this would be a dream for a reverse engineer such as yourself (you, the 7-10 yo kid) to break into. And you find it just as intriguing to build as you would taking it apart. So you start making it together and you show it off with pride to your parents. In that moment of joy and feeling of companionship with your brother you also show him how easily you can break into his safety deposit box. Your brother initially feels insecure and a bit upset over the whole deal but since you are such good friends he doesn't mind. But now he will surely find a better place for his secrets and his pennies. However, now your brother have learned how to break into these kids toys. He in turn have friends who own such boxes so he messes with his friends by opening theirs and finding out their secrets. He uses these secrets to poke fun at them and maybe even as leverage to stay on a competitive level with them at school etc. "If you don't stop teasing me i will tell everybody about your secret crush on that girl i found in your safe." And so, a cheater is born. You use the trick you learned from your brother to gain an advantage over others in the game of life. ---- Like i pointed out, this was just an example of how a "hacker" operates and how a script kiddie (your brother) takes advantage of your work to cheat others. There are hobby lock pickers that pick locks on their spare time. Whenever a new lock comes out they swarm that lock to pick that too because it's a brand new challenge to them. Just some random example video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueNgC5_cEoA And there are countless videos like it! While hobby lockpickers generally don't use their lock picking skills to do bad things, others who are not of the same good character will use that same information to do bad things. So, what does this story about you as a kid and hobby lockpickers and hackers all have in common? Neither of them have access to the "source", you didn't have the blueprints to the toy safe your brother owned but you cracked it open none the less by trying to find a weakness in it's design. Lockpickers know how locks work because they have disassembled them and looked at how they are made. They didn't see the blueprints but they looked inside and figured it out. The Nazi army, Navy and Airforce in WW II had the Enigma machine. The allied forces managed to get their hands on one but it would be useless to them since the "key" to decoding the message changed on a daily basis. But knowing the flaw in the machine (one being, a letter never became itself when encoded) they figured out a way to minimize the possible combinations of more than a few billion possibilities down to a few million ones. And then they brute forced it with a machine called the "Bombe" made by Alan Turing. Mind you, WW II wasn't a game... Real lives where saved and lost because the allies broke the Enigma code. Once again, neither of these cases required the source code or blueprints to be broken. ----- How does software work then? How can you reverse engineer a game so you can make a cheat work in a game that you have no source code to and no ability to modify out of the box with modding tools? You can't just poke and prod until the door just opens for you, right? Well, you know what you want to have happen and you know something about how a game works already since you are so involved with the process. You do it as a hobby, the goal is to break into the "lock" and thus you have a life long experience doing this already. You know all the tricks! A simple example (one that even YOU can do, there are plenty guides online on how) is hacking Minesweeper from Microsoft. You want to stop the timer in the game... Because then you will beat the game in 0 seconds and be the top of the leader board on that PC. (And there are other ways to do this mind you) You know that the timer increases by one every second, you know that the timers value is stored somewhere in memory (called a variable) and that location has an address that the game knows, otherwise it would not be able to increase it every second. So, you start a program (a tool designed to watch applications memory regions) and that tool has a feature that lets you find values that increase, decrease or stay the same among other things. Knowing that Minesweeper is a 32 bit application you can assume the variable will be a 32 bit integer. So you set your program (hack tool) to look for integers that increase. It will now scan through the games memory and filter out all memory addresses that doesn't increase in value. You are left with a few thousand values, all jibberish to you as they range from negative two billion to positive 2 billion with change. But, you know the value of the timer. So you filter out all values that are not equal to the timers value and you resume gameplay. You are now down to maybe 4 values, one of those values is the one you are looking for and you use the program to alter the value in real time to see what effect it has on the game. Voila! You now figured out the value and it's memory location, you can alter it to read 2,000 seconds and you can (as you wanted) alter it to read 0 seconds. But you are not done yet, you need to be able to change this value on the fly. Say by the press of a button. So you scan through the games memory for pointers (addresses that reference this location in memory) to figure out what is actually changing this value from within the game. Then you disassemble the games raw code (known as the Assembly language, that most hackers know by heart) and alter the way the game works by changing out the code. So, you make the game set the value of the timer to zero and then you forcibly make the game not change that value anymore. You have now successfully hacked your first game, you should be very proud of yourself and you are most likely left craving for MORE. ------- Now comes the anti hack measures, they scan for activities on your computer that resembles these reverse engineering and injections/altering of code. If they find something suspicious they will kick (and ban) you from the game. Flag your key as a hacker and you will never be able to play online again. But the hackers will have none of it! They find a new challenge, bypass the anti hack measures. And they do this the same way they hack the game itself. They hack the anti hack and forcibly disables it from making these sanity checks. And so, the hacks keep on working and the anti hack measures are toothless as they "seem" to be operating normally but they are in fact doing nothing at all. Once again, no source code required. No mods needing to be installed. ------ Another method that has been extensively used is reading the network traffic between the server and client, reverse engineering the structure of this traffic to determine where all players are on the map, where all their tents are hidden and where all vehicles are stashed. Word got out that this was happening and there was no way to stop it from happening. Well, short of cryptography, encoding the traffic so it becomes unreadable to the average person with his simple hack tool. But you see, that's the problem with client->server communication. Each side needs to know how to communicate with each other. One encodes the data and sends it and the other needs the key to decode the data. Hackers find out where this key is stored in the games memory, reads the key and uses the key do decode the traffic sent between the client and server. And the cheaters will now once more know where you are hiding, how many you are, what weapons you carry and so on. All without source code or mod tools! --------------------- I will finish with an argument for why having open source and mod tools is a good thing. Server admins will be able to develop tools to catch cheaters. For instance, they can develop a tool that records players movements. If they can see that a certain player is moving in straight lines towards other players tents, vehicles or the player themselves it's a pretty clear sign that player knows beforehand where everything and everyone is. Strike them with the ban hammer and no amount of anti hack circumvention will save them. If you can read the source you can also see potential problems and fix them. While a hacker can do the same, he can see potential back doors and abuse them. But he will find those back doors with or without the source. Now the average good person can find the holes and plug them instead of having to spend a life time finding the holes through reverse engineering to point out that there is a problem but have no solution on how to fix it because he doesn't know what code needs to be changed. Thanks for reading!
  12. plrsniper

    High performance private hives

    There is but one solution for someone who has a bad computer... Upgrade the components one by one, don't go for the new stuff but buy second hand stuff. You will find great performance products for less than 30% of their retail price if you just keep an eye open. I am sure there are servers that remove everything that bogs slow computers down but you cannot escape the downsides to this no matter how your twist and turn it. You will have areas where your computer will not be able to handle the load and there will be players who have the computers to do so. I am sorry i can't be of much help in finding said servers. All i know is some servers have limited their view distances to remedy the problem. To me it sounds like you are looking for a server with a 100 meter view distance though... How fun is that?
  13. Me and my friend where chasing this guy running on the south side of Stary but we lost track of him in Kabanino so we decide to head back and resume our trip down towards Elektro. We make a short stop to plan the best route, i am in the map screen when suddenly i hear a M249 unload and my friend drops dead. So i quickly close the map and while the dreaded "RECEIVING" message chugs away at my sanity i hear bullets whizzing past me left, right and all around as they are shooting into the big bush i was sitting in. When the message was finally gone i simply point myself away from the noise and start running like a headless chicken. At this point, i hear the M249 LMG, an AS50, a DMR and a M16 or M4 all unloading at me as i, in my confused and exited state is heading down an open field. I take a left, i take a right, i sprint, i dodge. Bullets are raining down all around me. The bandits are no more than 100 meters behind me, all running in a sloppy line formation (wedge as per usual) and stopping from time to time to unload more bullets from their guns. At one point, as i reach another bush, i turn around and empty a clip from my M4 CCO back at them. Hitting one of them but not killing him. Bullets keep landing all around me and whizzing past my little head. I keep on running down a hedge with bushes and the occasional tree. I run for what seems an eternity, surprised i have made it. So yes, this wasn't a bad day for me personally but it was a sh***y day because my friend died and he had good gear, there was nothing i could do to save his gear. As i ran past Stary and past Novy Sobor i felt they had given up chase. They must have spent a full box of LMG ammo, a few stanag clips and a sh*tload of DMR and 50 cal ammo, not hitting me a single time. I started laughing to myself. By chance i run into a decorated Lada, i hop in, i drive off and find myself lost on gravel roads for almost an hour before i finally make my way down to Elektro. I park my car near the watering hole NW of Rog and walk over to the sniper hill in Elektro. Business as usual, come 'ere nooblets, you shall PAY for what the others just did! As me and my friend return to where i parked the car, it's gone... I shed a tear but a car is a death trap none the less. So once again, not a sh***y day at all but still pretty shitty... for someone! :D
  14. Ok, lets see come April 1st if DayZ SA is out or not. If it's crap i will blame you. End discussion.
  15. plrsniper

    High performance private hives

    There are servers that down the view distance. In my case i walk away from those servers because with a limited view distance it becomes very dull. The only thing that affects your FPS is the number of objects rendered. Remove the grass (or in short, reduce your object detail) to minimum and you gain about 70% FPS. And you gain another 50-70% by turning off post processing. This is because each object has their number of polygons to render and then have post processing applied to them. When you go into Cherno or Elektro you will find your FPS makes a significant drop because the number of objects (buildings, loot, zombies) needing to be rendered (or culled, that too takes performance) increases exponentially. I have 80 - 100 FPS out in the middle of Chernarus but when i walk into Chernarus it drops to 30 - 40 FPS. I have set all but texture quality and video memory to low or disabled. I have a I7 2600K CPU at standard clock and a GTX580 graphics card. I wish i could have a stable >60 FPS but under the ArmA 2 engine this will never happen because it's not a good rendering engine. It could have been if the right choices where made but it just isn't good right now.
  16. plrsniper

    How will we lose zombies after bugs are fixed

    I have never had a zombie react to a thrown bottle or can before? If you hit them in the legs they will break their legs. That's how useful they are right now.
  17. plrsniper

    Is Cherno based on Chernobyl?

  18. BiS are paying for DayZ SA, Dean Hall is still employed by BiS but BiS told him to focus on DayZ SA where he was previously working with ArmA 3. BiS are the supporters of the project and BiS hasn't put any deadlines on it, BiS are already making quite a big sum of money from the mod through sales of A2CO so they are already getting a return on their investment. But the pay isn't like most AAA titles, there is no million dollar budget, there is (or at least was) no design plan at the time they decided to invest in Rockets endeavors. And whatever design plan there is, BiS only knows about the plans through what Dean "Rocket" Hall has told them. They are most likely fine with this. DayZ SA is treated as an indie project with free hands, Dean is getting paid through his already existing salary. All the devs of the SA are either being paid through already existing salaries or they aren't getting paid right now. (voluntaries) There is no need for me to "work out" a single thing, you need to start reading some more. And while people find it hard to wait for DayZ SA they will still most likely get it when it's out. It's not like they are going to lose interest in the game for all future just because it takes time. If that mentality where to be true then all games that miss their deadlines or are otherwise delayed would flop badly. For instance, all Battlefield 2 fans DEMANDED a sequel. They got Bad Company... Many HATED Bad Company, rage ensumed. Fingers where pointed. Claims of DICE going down in the shitter where made. But then when BF3 was released it was a huge success, major sales, great reception. I can keep giving examples of business related successes for games of all kinds... But you have Google, you can start there and start reading up on the REALITY out there. And once more, since i seem to have to repeat myself to you because you don't get it, DayZ SA would not benefit from a huge financial success. Sure it would be nice but as far as development goes, if you start pouring lots of money into the development things will go sideways fast. That's why WarZ is such a bad game, it wasn't developed with making a good game in mind. It was developed with a deadline and a budget. They had money in mind and the backers expected returns to their investment. Goals had to be met, fixing bugs wasn't one of those goals. As such, now everyone knows just how bad WarZ is and will find the wait for DayZ SA to be worth it as it will be released when it's DONE. Not a single second before that.
  19. What experiences are you talking about exactly? The experience of running 10 km to get to NWA only to find at most 3 people, all fully geared lying in wait in one of the several tree lines around the strip? The experience of then running the extra ~3 km around the airfield, checking every little hiding place on your way? Or the experience of becoming one of the same group of campers around the airfield, waiting for whatever amount of time it takes for one to make a sound or make a move? Are we talking about the experience that is suggested to every new player, walking inlands to look for gear for hours on end and constantly checking every nook and cranny around the hotspots for the "elite" snipers that are bound to camp from them? Finding a heli crash site that has been looted by several others before you get there so all you find is a few bandages and the junk they didn't take like a Bizon? Or in the off chance you are the first to a crash site and you still only find a FAL? Or should you be so lucky as to find a M107 or AS50 only to have to make the same thing you did before, camping or get camped...? --- Mind you, i have done all that already. I have had vehicles, i have had a helicopter, i have been carrying full gear, i have fought the "elites" at NWA and Stary. I have been a friendly, i have been helpful... The one thing all of these things have in common is they take lots of TIME and effort with very small returns, if any. The best experience you can have is spawning fresh, finding a double barrel shotgun and going full on commando with it with another bored player in one of the big towns. Taking his gear and repeating the process. Instead of wasting 4-6 hours running and looting you spawn, find a weapon in 5-10 minutes and are good to go fighting others for dominance. IF you are any good you will come out on top and eventually snag someone elses AS50. I have killed a few DMR/M107/AS50 etc users already, simply by coming up behind them with makarovs, winchesters, hatchets and putting a well placed bullet to the back of their head. That's the best experience of all time, knowing they most likely spent DAYS finding their gear only to have it taken away by someone who spawned no more than 20 minutes ago.
  20. Marked your flaw in red. DayZ isn't funded like any other development title. The same way FEZ, after the studio that was backing that game backed out, wasn't financially backed for a few years in development. The same way Minecraft wasn't financially backed apart from it's own income around late ALPHA stage. You just don't know what you are talking about and you don't know how detrimental your attitude is. I sure hope Dean Hall doesn't read your posts and if he does he should just know that the Development of DayZ SA can and should take however long it takes and that there really isn't a deadline to speak of. Just keep up the great work and let us be a part of the testing, development and bug finding whenever you are ready.
  21. It doesn't take much to knife a tin can open as long as you have a proper knife, being from Sweden i am sure you are aware of Fällkniven A1. You simply stab the can with a + shape and bend the top open and pour the contents out or in the case of more solid contents, dig it out with the same knife. It doesn't take a master to pull that off and it takes no more than 4 stabs and 10 seconds in total. Whereas a can opener (by a skilled operator) takes up to 20 seconds in the best of cases.
  22. The game "FEZ" was highly anticipated during it's initial development but missed it's deadline not once, not twice but three times (and with a lot of false claims and debate inbetween) and it still because a very popular indie title in the end and won several awards and critical acclaim. Thus, your point is VERY moot and there is no deadline what so ever. There's a lot of pressure to get it done quickly but there is no real deadline to speak of. It's done when it's done and no amount of rushing it or meeting a set deadline is going to help development in any way. As much as i want the SA TODAY, i don't want it at the expense of the future development of the title. We will get an open Alpha/Beta test when it's ready and we will get a full release when it's ready. If you wanna cry foul over that then please just go away, you are hurting the development of the title.
  23. As much as i agree with the rest i just can't agree with the can opener vs knife deal. The quickest way to open a tin can is to stab it with a knife vs carefully taking the top off with a can opener. The difference is you may dull your precious knife blade and you may get a few metal shavings as an added bonus in your meal if you go all "stabby stabby" on your tin can. I would love to have appropriate animations for all these things as well, it would add tons to the immersion and would force you to make more tactical decisions that you otherwise just brush off in the heat of the moment as you go along.
  24. I can't for the life of me understand why nobody has posed the question... "Why would you want to be friendly to begin with?" At the current stage of the game the only challenge you will ever face is when fighting other players. Killing zombies is a no-brainer. (pun indeed intended) Finding loot is only good for what exactly? You are farming gear to do what? You find and fix a vehicle so you can move about quickly but what is the purpose of moving about if all you do all day is kill zombies and look for gear? Gear that you can find pretty much everywhere? Sure, you won't come across many heli crash sites without a vehicle of some sort. You won't be able to stack up on good gear without a camp someplace or at least a vehicle or two... BUT WHY WOULD YOU WANT ANY GEAR TO BEGIN WITH... Considering you will rarely if ever use it? The best way to be friendly is to not have any gear at all besides maybe a hatchet to kill zombies with. That is the safest way for whomever you come across to know you are not a direct threat to them. You clearly don't need a backpack if you intend to be friendly. All you need is the hatchet and some food. Nope, the mere existence of "friendly" is totally alien to me. Either you are with my group (IRL friends) or you are a target, simple as that. Trust no one and kill anyone who is a direct threat to you (they carry a weapon of any kind) and you will find that this game has a lot to offer to you. I started out being a "mr nice guy" and wanted to create a base of some sort, have lots of vehicles and eventually a helicopter. I spent hours upon hours searching for vehicle parts and whatnot, at one point i had 5 vehicles tucked away in various locations on the map. I had an AS50 and M14 AIM, a coyote backpack, NVG, GPS and all that jizz. TO WHAT END? One little mistake and you where set back several hours of painstaking gear farming. As it is now, unless i carry something of any real worth like a DMR, AS50, M107 etc etc i just roam the two big cities looking for someones head to pop with whatever weapon i happen to come across. If i die i just make my way back to Cherno or Elektro, find any weapon and go hunting for players. Take their weapon(s) if better and repeat til i have something resembling good gear. Then i move out occasionally to hunt the "elite" players who roam the "big spawns" for gear. The one thing most players don't know about DayZ is you don't really need to leave Cherno or Elektro to find good military gear. All you have to do is clean out the military loot spawn points and wait 10 minutes. Come back and find your upgrades right there. If someone happens to "steal" your loot you just pop his head or die. At least you have now saved yourself the trip to the bloody NWA and all the boredom and time it takes to make said trip. And there is nothing as exciting as being smack bang in the middle of Elektro and having 5-7 random people all running around looking for you because you killed them or their freshly spawned friend. Why waste your time doing anything but look for a weapon and go hunt other players? Sure, you can set a limit so you only hunt the "bad guys", that's quite alright with me. But in the end, this is nothing more than a free for all deathmatch with zombies as a nuisance.
  25. plrsniper

    Is Cherno based on Chernobyl?

    I can see it now... "Take a tour of lovely Chernarus. Visit your favorite sniping spots and see how they match up to your gaming experience."