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About Soffu

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. My high end and top notch pc......Amd Phenom IIx6 1100AMD AHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAH ahhahahahahahhahahahahaahha ahahhahahahhahahahah
  2. Guid d83bf5f8a36e551a79c9a3ecaf78cab4 Country Sweden Name Axel Seth
  3. Me: IGN: Soffu Location: Sweden GUID: 83c7679aa17cb3502b7e010c0bc552cc My buddy: IGN: nifco Location: Sweden GUID: 9fcd58942627972d19fce15032b2caa7
  4. What about all the items/tents on the Cherno map then? Kinda rude to just delete everything like that without any warnings