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Everything posted by NwJoolz

  1. NwJoolz

    Acceptable behavior? aka 'Cool story Bro' time

    Sums it up for me.
  2. NwJoolz

    Endless running - stamina/fatigue?

    My "love for vehicles" has nothing to do with an "easy mode" for this title - you are far too presumptious. I simply remember fondly the hundreds if not thousands of hours that I and my friends put into the mod. We often found that having a vehicle convoy introduced the tyranny of worrying about fuel stops, jerry cans and ambushes and yes, it would probably have been easier to survive by hiding out in the woods on foot. This is, however beside the point. I shall now flesh out my response a little. When vehicles are re-introduced I would like sprint distance reduced to 100M/200M (we are not supposed to be trained military personnel/fitness fanatics) with a massively increased aim-shake until the out-of-breath condition has eased. I would also like to see jogging slowed to a more reasonable speed and, depending on distance travelled (circa 2KM/3KM) the complete inability to do anything other than collapse in an exhausted heap. I want to see walking become the norm as it is in real life, with a speed set at 4.5KMH to 5.5KMH depending on what's underfoot (easily done in the Arma engine). I also want to see speed modifiers based on clothing condition (try running in wet shoes/jeans). Until vehicles are re-introduced the current marathon runner survivor is the obvious solution.
  3. NwJoolz

    Endless running - stamina/fatigue?

    Let's reduce stamina when the vehicles are back in, yes?
  4. NwJoolz


    Just give me back my satchel charges. They are all you will ever need to level a city block.
  5. Frankly I'd be happier with an adjustment to the rather aggressive texture culling in the stand alone. In Arma2 you can see into a window from a considerable distance, with the standalone you're limited to circa 200M. I'd also like to see the draw distance radically enlarged to Arma2 levels as well.
  6. NwJoolz

    I've heard troubling rumours...(no helis)

    Armed helis can be used for good as well as ill. Armed helis can be taken out of the sky by concentrated small arms fire (or at least they could in the mod). I'd like them back for the end game aspect.
  7. NwJoolz


    I suspect that these messages are only there to advertise that this feature is now working. I expect that further into development they will disappear altogether.
  8. NwJoolz

    Ingame Map Language

    You have washed ashore in a foreign country and are lucky enough to find a tourist map. Be grateful.
  9. NwJoolz

    Winchester 1895

    My thoughts exactly - so rare as to be impossible to find or not at all thanks.
  10. NwJoolz

    Loot spawn locations

    I take your point about easy looting but surely the military had to eat at their bases before the infection hit? I have more of an issue with the bananas to be honest; who's importing a tropical fruit to an apocalyptic post soviet state and why can't said importer rescue me from this nightmare?
  11. NwJoolz

    Should DayZ have music? (Poll)

    I had it turned it down so it was only just audible. Would like it back ta.
  12. NwJoolz

    Weirdest player loot you have found

    Underwear guy with a fire axe and mountain pack full of rocks. Nothing but rocks.
  13. NwJoolz

    Don't Paint Your Mosin! Video of Bug

    Yup, affected by this as well. Shame. Has someone posted this into the bug tracker yet?
  14. I'd simply be happy with SLi being enabled - works in ArmA2 just fine.
  15. I don't know if you guys still check this forum but I have to say thanks for the prompt action earlier this evening when the cheater appeared. Well done!
  16. Let me know when this actually works as described. Until then I'll be going back to BattleWarden.
  17. I've been using this tool for a couple of weeks now and firstly I'd like to say thanks to the dev. There are however a couple of problems I've noticed when using v0.8 (i recently tried v0.81 but it just wouldn't work at all) The player list updates very slowly (if at all - it was doing fine until a couple of days ago). The ban list doesn't update at all (it was doing fine up until a couple of days ago). On the plus side it's only ever crashed once :) My question is: are there any fixes that I can apply from my side?