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Posts posted by Altiier

  1. Make sure you are able to play Arma2 standalone, update it to the latest patches.

    Make sure you are able to play Arma2 Operation arrowhead as stand alone, update it with all latest patches.

    Install Dayz true manual install or one of the two programs able to help you with it( "play with six" or "dayzcommander"

    Find a server true one of these programs and double click it and see what happens.

    NOTE: NEVER DELETE FILES THAT SHOW UP FOR DELETE WHEN CONNECTING TO A SERVER, if you connect to a server and you get an error message saying you need to delete files, you just have to deactivate them NOT DELETE !

    make sure the paths for the games and mod folder are correct in the "play with six" application.( for the dvd version all goes to : C:\program files\bohemia interactive\Arma2)

    With the DVD version all will be installed in ONE directory : C:\program files\bohemia interactive\arma2

    With the Steam version all will be installed into there own directory : C:\ program files\steamshit\commonfiles\arma2 (for the arma2 game)

    C:\program files\steamshit\common\arma operation arrow head (for the armaoa game)

    When using the steam version the path in "play with six" for the MOD's needs to point to one of these directories


    If you connect to a server and you get an error message saying you have to delete files it actually means you have to "deactivate " these addons(files)

    Thank you I will try this

  2. Do you 3rd party software(DayZCommander, Sixwhatever)? Do you use Steam? Have you repaired/verified integrity of game cache? Have you been banned? Is it public or private hive? Have you the most recent BETA version of Arma2(or the version concurrent with the server you want to play on)? Updated drivers? Uninstall/reinstall of the mod assets? DayZ or @DayZ enabled in the "extensions" tab on Arma?

    All those except the extensions tab, not sure where that is. and I use DayZcommander