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About Altiier

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Interests
    Arma II and its varients
  1. Altiier

    Can't join any servers

    I tried all the ones you stated but never found the file listed for me to deactivate.
  2. Altiier

    Can't join any servers

    Thank you I will try this
  3. Altiier

    Can't join any servers

    All those except the extensions tab, not sure where that is. and I use DayZcommander
  4. Whenever I try to join a server it says I need to delete a file called common\sounds.pmc.pbo, I searched with the computer search box and manually searched all my Arma II, Operation Arrowhead and DayZ files and found nothing, can someone help?
  5. Altiier

    Cant join any servers

    Can someone please help?
  6. Every time i try to join a server I get this popup that says I need to delete common\sounds.pmc to run it i searched all my arma 2 files and my OA files, can anyone help?