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About sgtpepper5987

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  1. sgtpepper5987

    US2326 thread

    HI ALL! i recently started an official dayz server 50 slots and would love for it be full on a regular basis I will be resetting things in a timely matter to avioid loot/vehicle hoarding in my opinion that has become a problem across all servers. Bandits and heroes are all welcome anything goes excepting scripting of course. I'm looking for some great people to share the immersive dayz experience with and I wielcom those with you tube channels that do vids I will even put them in server notes for all to see! Please spread the word and post any questions here on this thread. I'm a very receptive admin I don't want to play with babies by no means but any legitmate complaints or conerns I will gladly address that covers it guys. PICARD OUT! server info
  2. sgtpepper5987

    DayZ Mod Update

    When you listed the G36 camo twice was one of those suppose to be the SD version? if not how the hell could you leave that out?!??!
  3. sgtpepper5987

    DayZ Mod Update

    Yes it was removed : (
  4. sgtpepper5987

    DayZ Mod Update

    My server is up running current only 20 slots and its private hive.... and its empty so first come first serve....hackers will be globally banned!
  5. Yes I was on a budget server I didn't want to go all out without testing the waters first. Now that I see the manner HFB handles its customers when an issue seems to not be getting resolved I will upgrade FO SHO! I'm a noob to server hosting so I didn't know that with the machines and what not but I've got a grasp on things now and as much as I play dayz upgraded seems the way to go.
  6. No it wasn't but if you read the response I was given by the owner you can see I stand rectified.
  7. HFB I was experiencing issues and made a post on here asking for help because I felt HFB servers were not properly assisting me. My server was crashing for reasons unknown. A couple minutes after getting back in game the ACTUAL owner of HFB severs came in game to see what the problem was he was very courteous and helpful and offered to move my server to a different machine to fix the issue. I'm very satisfied with how my issue was handle and want to clear up any confusion about HFB's credibility as a game host. If you were hesitant to use them as your server host i assure you go for it! you will not be disappointed coming from a SATISFIED customer!!!
  8. sgtpepper5987

    Server Admin Help

    Yeah thats a fix for a player on the condition that the server admin isn't available. I'm the server admin I host my server through HFB I want to know how I as server admin can fix the problem
  9. sgtpepper5987

    Server Admin Help

    I'm exhausted trying to find guides to use the HFBserver control panel I've got the basics down I know how to change maps and loadouts ect...the basic stuff....However I can't find anyhelp for an ADMIN on fixing the script restriction 45 bug...I understand I have to change the battleeye script but I can't figure out how the hell to do this....I've downloaded Notepad++ as per the knowledge base provided by HFB but they are very vauge in the directions for fixing a script problem (most likely because they want me to pay an additional 15$ for their support team to help me which if FUCKING BULLSHIT) if anyone can direct me to a clear, concise, step by step guide to fixing this script problem I would REALLY APPRECIATE it thank you!!!