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Everything posted by Rumbolt

  1. It seems as though I cant refill jerry cans- in Namalsk specifically. A little help? Im using the gas stations with the little yellow gas pump symbol on them on the map.
  2. Rumbolt

    Cant refill Jerry cans.

    seems legit
  3. Forgive me if I'm posting in the wrong section. I just started playing DayZ today. When my friends reccomended me the game, they said to not expect to live for long. They were right, as I died twice (fighting zombies with a hatchet is not good.) They also said guns were very hard to find. On my third run (about 3 hours into DayZ) I found a Lee Enfield and then found an M16A2 with 3 clips. Is this decent for my first time playing DayZ?
  4. Thank you. Like I said, first time playing is today... I haven't fired the Lee Enfield because I know it's loud from watching videos. I figured I would hold onto the M16A2 over the enfield because it has more ammo and I find it to be better in every aspect.