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About ponystein

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Interests
    video games , reading , football , beuty .

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  • Bio
    my name is emma , 20 years old .
  1. i guess we can now call you Team Rocket ! and your blasting of again ? bad joke ...
  2. ponystein

    Build Discussion

    thats the entire changelog as i see it so far
  3. ponystein

    can i play dayz?

    http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/How_to_install_DayZ hope this helps !
  4. ponystein

    Bandit --> Survial???

    look for a bandit to kill with -7500 humanity you got nothing to lose lol
  5. ponystein

    Really high ping makes dayz unplayble?

    apparently restarting your computer might help also try disabling anti virus in the background ?
  6. ponystein

    Proof that bags are too small

    the bags have extra pockets dont they i think more bag room in game is needed
  7. ponystein

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    well actually they said they hope for it , key word "hope"
  8. ponystein

    Is there still a point in buying Arma 2?

    imo its not worth it , SA is just around the corner . well unless you like to play ARMA by itself which is a good military fps
  9. ponystein

    Is there still a point in buying Arma 2?

    rocket said if the 2012 release schedule isnt met then it would slip into early 2013
  10. ponystein

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    its january 1st i mean we at LEAST deserve anything on the development of SA by now , even a simple tweet , facebook status or even a december report thread come on :(
  11. ponystein

    Happy New Year

    its 0:04am january 1st 2013 HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!!!!!
  12. ponystein


    i must confess ive been in secret talks with dean , and hes giving me a free copy of the game it needs to be shipped to my house before it can be released to you all ! joke aside , im still saying it will be a late january release . games are usually delayed by a couple of months but since this is a smaller game and smaller team then only 1 month .
  13. ponystein

    Mark walls with a paint spray

    how about pre-set shapes you can tag on walls ? because its true everyone will just draw dicks everywhere lol
  14. ponystein

    How this game makes me sad.. :(

    do you even know what alpha means ? i bet most of the code isnt even finished yet and its been majorly tweaked since the initial release as well
  15. ponystein

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    happy new year to rocket and the team , and this forum !