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Everything posted by SJKSJK

  1. I like this, but I feel it's like a 'time out', with no real consequence to your murder spree. Now if one of your victims got a desription or a name, then that can be used to warn other players.
  2. Good question. If your killed before you get a name then you would have to go off of a desciption of their appearance. Which in SA is viable with all the clothing choices coming along. You could take that visual description to some community forum, or radio station, or in game chat and report your killer the best you could. Random murder will always happen, but with the ability to seek that person out alone, or with a helpful group, I think only adds to the realism.
  3. Maybe an alias for streamers then? I don't know. It just seems like the only logical fix would be a "permanent reputation", based only on word of mouth in game, not a leaderboard with murder counts, etc. The ability to tarnish your ingame reputation is interesting to me. Running into someone who you've heard about as a bad person and dealing with them accordingly, or vice versa. Kind of cool.
  4. Or, stream and know the decision your making by doing so.
  5. I think an easy fix to morality in Dayz would be to take away the ability to change your username. The name you pick at purchase is yours FOREVER. Your past actions could be accounted for by word of mouth on forums, some type of in game advisory radio station, etc. In other words you could build a real reputation in game as hero, bandit, asshole, etc. Even if you server hop your name remains. If, as players there was a way to put the word out about nefarious types, known murderers. in keeping with realism i think it's then about ACCOUNTABLILTY for your ACTIONS. The current mod gives you the ability to stay nameless where as having to re- purchase the game to drop your in game reputation might be incentive enough. Make sense?
  6. Do you think Dayz SA will just appear on Steam Early Access without an official announcement?

    E3 and our attendance

    E3 video with Matt Lightfoot

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    Okay. After checking with you guys and considering my budget this is my pending parts order: Sabretooth z77 Core i5 2500k Geforce gtx 660 ti 850w Power Supply SSD for win 7 and Dayz Standalone (whenever that is) 7200rpm HDD 1TB for everything else........ Will it be Max settings?? Thanks for all your previous help as well..

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    This? Core i7 3770/ 16gb ddr3 1600m/ geforce gtx 660 1.5 gb gddr5 Also would it improve performance if both my OS and Dayz were installed on an SSD drive??
  10. SJKSJK

    beginner question

    You run into players if your not careful. The map is so big that if you take your time you can avoid them easily enough. Stay out of major cities and that should better your chances of not being killed in PvP, but the cities are where the good gear is so.... You do lose all your things when you die save for a flashlight and a bandage.
  11. SJKSJK

    beginner question

    Well that was easy enough.... Seriously give it a try. If you suck at PvP then avoid players at all costs. That is a style that works for many people.
  12. .........and murder, my own murder. Why is it whenever I find something other than a double barrel shotgun i am killed almost instantly lol. i hate this game, but I love this game.
  13. Truth be told I won't play on lower populated servers so the chance of these things happening remains high. I didn't see the guy who shot me so my bad. Need to be more careful, which is why I love this game.
  14. Didn't have time to weigh out the pros and cons of the MP5 on account of the cold blooded murder. :|
  15. Zero point. Your quick :thumbsup: ....