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About Tigerbeetweenie

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    Programming, gaming, white hat hacking.

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  1. Tigerbeetweenie

    Building a new pc ..proccesor question

    While ARMA is more involving of one's processor than other games, it still won't be your first and foremost bottleneck. Your primary concern should be your GPU and having enough RAM to prevent page swapping to the hard disk. I would like to say, however, that having 4+ cores is a godsend for video editing so if only for that reason alone, you should get the intel processor. You won't see any major benefits of having more than two cores in games such as ARMA II, which are poorly optimized for multi-core systems, but I would like to point out that the difference would be noticeable in modern games that do take advantage of the extra parallelism (such as source games, Unreal games, etc.).Also, you should take note that while the i7 only has 4 distinct cores, each core is capable of handling two threads (and thus is similar to having 8 individual cores). They are slightly less effective, individually, on certain (very specific) non-gaming tasks than the 8 distinct cores of the AMD cpu but I would like to say that aside from those specific activities, the i7 outperforms in every way. The primary reason I'd recommend the i7 instead of the cheaper alternative is that while there isn't much of a difference between the two on gaming applications due to the nature of the 'modern' rendering/game logic pipeline, you did say that you would be doing video editing and in that respect the i7 is generally faster. From a purely gaming standpoint however, the AMD is cheaper (if a bit power hungry) and I would recommend it over the i7 f you don't have a massive disposable income. All in all both processors might be overkill if you aren't doing production grade video editing (for a podcast or a job or basically anything more advanced than WMM or basic Sony Vegas). I know I've stated this before, if you are doing 'production grade video editing' then it would be perfectly reasonable to get the i7 as the premium you would pay for it would thus be 'worth it'. Edit: See for yourself: http://cpuboss.com/c...350#differences, please note that while the average speed you can get out of overclocking is just slightly higher on the AMD cpu, that does not necessarily indicate real world performance. The hyperthreading of the i7 makes it much more feasible to actually utilize all of it's processing power. Plus AMD processors only really shine when you overclock them (overclock speeds aren't guaranteed) with a decent cooling unit so if you would prefer to save power or you don't really like overclocking then the intel would thus beat the AMD in terms of raw clock performance as well. Not only that, but the i7 has sandy bridge. What all this really boils down to is a trade-off of quality and performance vs cost effectiveness.
  2. Tigerbeetweenie

    Two characters, same Computer, Same time.

    You do realize that getting hit by a zombie and logging out still qualifies as combat logging right? Furthermore, swapping out your game keys won't do crap to save your character. He's still going to be down and out when you log back in.
  3. Tigerbeetweenie

    New Gaming PC Time!

    I assumed that he was knowledgeable so I threw some reasonable figures out there to help him get a vibe for the things he would want. I suggested using his old hard drive because I assumed that it would be "good enough" in MOST cases (i.e. disk accessing would be minimal except at loading). I can see where you are coming from however and I'll edit my post to include specific parts.However I do not appreciate the blatant hostility. I wasn't being trying to be a tool when I responded to you. I had simply intended my post to contain some basic playful banter. Furthermore misquoting one "meme" hardly qualifies me to be a "meme spouter" (as you put it).
  4. Tigerbeetweenie

    FPS Fluctuation

    Huh. Try the following: set the following variables in your Arma2OA.cfg file accordingly and see if it fixes anything and if not you can just change them back. Basically the following determines how many rendering buffers the game engine will use. For some reason performance is poor(-er) unless standard double buffering is used, even on systems that should see benefits: GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=1; You could also check your temps (which should be fine) just in case you're running a little hot. My brother's computer had a cyclic problem similar to yours where a (any) game he would be playing would have reasonably high (but inconsistent) performance that would then drop arbitrarily. It turned out to be due to abnormally high temps which where in turn caused by excessive dust buildup inside the system. That might not be the same problem as your's though. Usually problems such as these are resolved via trial and error. EDIT: I assume the above variables dictate the degree of buffering. I'm not an expert on ARMA 2 configuration though so if I'm wrong feel free to correct me.
  5. Tigerbeetweenie

    Bandages... what's the point?

    Crafting system? Oh god (queue an impromptu and unwarranted appearance by GODTM). But I get what your saying. This is why I'm on the fence about it. It's a case of realism versus gameplay (or as some people say, doing stuff for the sake of doing stuff).
  6. Tigerbeetweenie

    High Ping, yet no Ping

    It's not as simple as "fixing" the problem. You have to understand what the network guys actually care about versus what you want them to care about. Their job is to provide internet to the entire campus. What constitutes "the internet" to most people is the ability to do basic surfing, streaming video, checking email, and maybe streaming a jam or two along the way. In order to do this, they need massive amounts of bandwidth. Bandwidth, however, is expensive and so to mitigate costs they probably have a trade off of a high degree of latency coupled with a high degree of throughput (i.e. an individual download might take longer but you can download a lot of things at the same time without a drop in speed). Imagine a few really big pipes versus a lot of really small pipes. The small pipes will drain a lot slower, but you can drain a lot more at the same time (i.e. servicing the thousands of people at your school) versus a few big pipes which can drain REALLY fast but you can only drain a very few at a given time (i.e. your mom's and pop's network at home which only has a few connections going though it). For things like streaming compressed video/audio and downloading web pages, you don't *need* the "big pipes" but for time critical applications like video games, you do (unfortunately). Again, this is just speculation, but it's the best I can do with the information I have.I could be wrong when pinpointing your specific problem because I don't *know* your schools network but I'm pretty sure it's just a case of high latency and you should stick to geographically close servers when playing online from your school. I don't know exactly what you mean by saying "They fixed SW:ToR" but it likely means that this is something that only they can definitively answer. Unfortunately, asking about this on the DayZ forums will (and can) only land you approximate identifications of the problem at hand. You need to go to the source (i.e. your housing department or whatever). Sorry for my crappy pipe allegory. I hope it at least helped somewhat.
  7. Tigerbeetweenie

    New Gaming PC Time!

    Wait. So you read my entire post and that's all you have to say? No constructive criticism? No opinion? No add-ins? That's it?I'm okay with this.
  9. Tigerbeetweenie

    Military Structured Group. [SDF] Survivor Defense Force now recruiting.

    So basically you want to play follow the leader and in this little game you get to be permanent leader for life. Isn't DayZ supposed to be about individual/small group oriented survival?
  10. Tigerbeetweenie

    Bandages... what's the point?

    I didn't either... until I saw the TM hovering above his name. That's how you know he's legit.Back on topic. I think bandaging could be more hands on and skill based (i.e. something that requires player interaction to accomplish successfully). I think this could offset the lack of a bandage/magazine trade off. That way, you still maintain a degree of challenge while thwarting the decay of bandaging into some sort of menial chore. (i.e. it's life or death so you'd better wrap that sucker up before you get shot or bleed out).
  11. Tigerbeetweenie

    RIP DayZ

  12. Tigerbeetweenie

    New to DayZ, needs so help on starting?

    First, you need to get used to how the zombies detect your presence. When in doubt, go prone. Your first order of business should be to find a hatchet. Afterwards, search around for a firearm (for use against players). You will likely find a makarov as your first gun. Don't use it to try and kill players. It's almost useless unless you are attacking a bambi or you land a lucky headshot. You'll want to swap it out for a better side arm the moment you find one. Use the following site to learn building loot tables and locations: http://dayzdb.com/map and make sure you enter towns through covered vectors (i.e. don't run across an open field and into Cherno during the middle of the night while holding a flare). Be smart. After you gain an initial footing, you'll want to find a water bottle and basic wilderness survival gear (knife for gutting animals, matches for lighting fires, and a map/compass). The key thing to remember is that you need to be patient and take things slow and THINK. Once you have all your basics covered you can begin to head north and hit up towns along the way. After that it's entirely up to you on how you play. If you want to start a campsite at which you can store gear, you can find a tent and setup shop in the woods. If you want to become a nomadic homicidal maniac, you can do that as well.Just remember, prioritize loot and don't get too greedy. Having a backup gun can be great, but you can only actually use one gun at a time. If you find yourself not using the AS50 you can't ever see to find ammo for, you might want to consider dropping it for a more utilitarian backup or stop using a backup primary altogether. The best loot comes from the barracks at NWA, but it takes a while to get there on foot and it's almost always occupied by unsavory characters. Good loot also comes from helicopter crash sites but those are unreliable as they are, hence the name, random. Aside from game play tips, I would recommend playing on a private whitelist server that run the DayZ anti-hax addon and have active admins + an active community. It may be true that you lose the server transience you have when you play on public servers but it's generally more than worth it. Some of the reasons include: prompt handling of combat loggers, reduced number of hacking incidents, usually some basic form of backup system which can be used to rollback the server's player data in the event of a serious problem, and a familiar/consistent community with which to play. And the most important tip rule of all: you WILL die eventually. Embrace it or scorn it. But at the very least accept it as a fact of life. Edit: Camps and vehicles are notoriously unreliable in public servers due to an increased number of factors. Some script kiddies make use of external map programs to find your campsites or vehicles; some players can get lucky when swapping servers and happen to stumble upon your sex dungeons of ecstasy; and other times a simple lack of any reliable data backup system can make it impossible to rollback the server in the event of a massive glitch. Also, a lot of players in public servers use "spawned" gear (i.e. they are cheating fucks) and can easily replace any losses you incur on them by causing them to die. I hate pubs with a bleeding passion (in their current state).
  13. Tigerbeetweenie

    Bandages... what's the point?

    God hath spoken. Shake in fear before his mighty judgement.
  14. Tigerbeetweenie

    New Gaming PC Time!

    You can decide on your graphics card yourself (I personally dislike Radeon due to the crap driver support but you could get a little bit more "bang" for you buck if you opt for Radeon): http://www.nvidia.co....asp?lang=en-us As far your processor goes, you could probably settle with an i5 or spring for an i7 if you want some extra "oomph" but of course i7's will eat up more of the budget you could be using for your graphics card. Even if it won't make a HUGE difference when gaming I think you'll enjoy the multitasking capabilities of a modern four core over your old duo core. Your PSU will vary depending on what combination of components you choose so decide on this part whilst picking your graphics card (you MAY be able to re-use your old one). Your motherboard won't really have a huge impact on performance as long as you get a reasonably good one. Just make sure it meets your own personal needs when picking it. http://elitegamingco...13-intel-based/ I would recommend 8 GBs of RAM if you are willing to shell out the cash for it. I like to keep everything loaded up into memory so that my computer doesn't waste time swapping out to my page file. As far as hard drives go, you could just re-use an old one (I'd recommend this) as long as the one you are using is at least 7200 RPM or an SSD. Western digital is a personal favorite of mine. Try selling off all your old parts. You might get a poor roi but it will give you some extra cash with which to stretch your budget. You could use it to buy a new monitor. If you shop around you should be able to get an ASUS for under 200 bones that'll probably suite your needs. Here's a general pricing for a decent rig: $70.00 - Kingston HyperX 8 GB DDR3 kit (could be more if you opt for a more "premium" brand, such as the Corsair Vengeance which goes for about $90.00) $150.00 - Max price for a decent and modern motherboard that supports Intel i series processors (link for a good one below) http://www.amazon.co...ag=thowisguy-20 $100.00 - Western Digital Black 1 TB (optional if you don't re-use your old one, this one was recommended by AussieStig) $90.00 - Generic tower to hold all your crap (for example, your precious RAIDMAX :P) $230.00 - Intel Core i5-3570K (or $330 for an i7-3930K) $300.00 - Nvidia 660 TI (You may want to stretch your budget to opt for a slightly better card or you can hit it and quit it with a Radeon HD 7950 Boost Edition for $330.00) $50.00 - Decent cooling unit which will meet all your stock cooling needs. Not hard to find one that does the job. It's probably just easier to pick one up at an electronics dealer than to order it online so there's not really much to say here. $170.00 - ASUS VH236H monitor (or you could get a projector, those things are freaking cool). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total: Approximately $1000 - $1250. I rounded up in order to account for shipping and that *should* encompass all of it. The $1250.00 price includes a decent monitor < $200. *Note that I left out the PSU because you seem pretty set on the RAIDMAX case and that, I believe, comes with a PSU that should be sufficient for a single card. Double check your power requirements though. And don't forget to get some heatsink paste for your GPU (if it needs any) and your processor when you are ready to seat them in. Don't be cheap. Go for a decent brand. Also, protip, get all the rebates and discounts you can. You could easily save $100.00 if you scrounge out some deals. Don't forget, the prices should drop a bit more by the time it's time for you to buy so there's that too.
  15. Tigerbeetweenie

    Bandages... what's the point?

    I can see your logic here. They do, after all, take up space that could otherwise be used for secondary mags (or generic slots in backpacks which could be used for anything!). You are also right about the fact that it doesn't take much for something to qualify as a bandage. After all, anything that stops bleeding could be considered one. I agree with you that the act of bandaging yourself is a tactically significant maneuver and I also agree with you that a concrete inventory object might be overkill. At the same time, however, it could also be said that having to balance bandages and magazines makes for more interesting game play.I'm really on the fence about this one. I think we should seriously weigh the consequences and benefits of this subject (i.e. the rest of you don't just start spouting off your unfounded opinionated bullshit and seriously take a look at the pros and cons).