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Everything posted by Igsum

  1. I've been out of the game for a couple of months and decided to load up DayZ Commander and give it another go. I updated all the files I needed to and when that was done I went out searching for a server to join... That was where my problems began. When the servers first loaded everything looked fine but when highlighting a server the ping instantly shoots to 10000 and this is for every single server I highlight. Worse still, having DayZ Commander open breaks my internet for several minutes before sorting itself out although if I close the program forcefully or by launching a server connection is restored almost instantly. Please don't blame my internet for this, think outside the box a little as as soon as I close DayZ Commander the lag issues disappear in an instant.
  2. Igsum

    DayZ... Commander problem?

    So help me I'll become a merciless bandit if I don't get help on this soon D:
  3. Igsum

    DayZ... Commander problem?

    Bump to say I still have this issue after a few days of not being able to play.
  4. Igsum

    DayZ... Commander problem?

    A DDos attack eh? Well, I play exclusively on servers that are both public and part of the main hive so does that narrow things down any?
  5. Since last night I have been having huge fps problems on every server I join, constant yellow chaining. The odd thing though is that it seems to be related to my bugged/broken latency. When disconnecting from a server to check my ping I have something stupid, several thousands of ms, yet I have a fluent conversation going on skype the whole time with no interruptions. You'd think frame rate would be what caused visual lag but it doesn't seem the case, lol >.> I know that is hell'a vague but It really is as I say.
  6. Seemed to have solved itself for whatever reason. To answer the earlier questions though it has/had nothing to do with computer performance as I'm not a new player and have played DayZ for weeks as opposed to just yesterday, with a steady framerate.
  7. I don't actually have "lag" is the thing, I'm getting at that DayZ/Arma2 thinks my latency is much higher than it really is and maybe that would help solve the issue but uhh...? http://www.pingtest.net/result/74664430.png Here is the result regardless, as you can see nothing wrong.
  8. Can we please read the OP before making copy and pasted answers? Cheers.