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About Chris_Grizzly

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  1. Chris_Grizzly

    ATV vs tractor

    Honestly if you can handle the ATV keep the ATV. Its faster then the tractor espeically off road but it flips VERY easily. Like I said if you can manage driving the atv without flipping it, go with the ATV
  2. except that your an idiot and that is wrong The respawn button is active again when you have broken bones.
  3. Chris_Grizzly

    The Game Is Now Un-Playable.

    hold left shift and the - on your num pad, release them then type flush should do the trick.
  4. If an admin reads this (3:32 pm EST 7/28/12) the server is in need of another restart, vehicles did not properly spawn upon restart. Thanks!
  5. Chris_Grizzly

    US354 - Instantly kicked

    I am getting insta kicked from NY72 and every server I join aswell, would like to know whats going on.
  6. But does anyone know why mine vanished?
  7. So I was logging into a server when i decided to change my name, i edited my current name and began the login process. I was one skype with a friend who also just changed his name and he was promopted with a gender selection. I figured that our characters had been reset (i have NVGs, GPS, had an L85) that whole shazam. I logged back in after switching back to my current name (it made a 2nd profile even though i specificly edited my name) and I still had all my items except the L85 with the heat scope. The long is short here is: Was the L85 removed and i picked it up off a hacker i killed outside of stary or did my name change cause this? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
  8. If you are lagging the flashlight will not turn on, try looking at the ground then doing it. That seems to work best for me.
  9. Chris_Grizzly

    Ambient sounds question

    You are missing the point of the sounds. Ever played manhunt in the dark? You start hearing all kinds of shit.
  10. Does anyone know what the story with cars and tents are? I want to begin stock piling weapons with my buddies but i've heard that if a server is improperly restarted the tent won't be there/will be empty. Cars also seem to dissapear on us when we log back in after a couple hours (presumable after a server restart) I've seen plenty of videos with people who own 1-2 vehicles and multiple tents but how reliable are they at the moment?
  11. Chris_Grizzly

    Helicopter Found but repairs?

    Unless it has been fixed, tents, car, and presumably helicopters share a common bug that once you "look" at them with your cursor and are given the save option you are "locked" to that save option until you log out/in. For example to refill my UAZ jeep I needed to have the jerry can in my primary inventory, log out, log in the same server and mouse scroll wheel down to use the refuel option. This doesn't work 100% of the time and you only get ONE action per "lock" Hope this helps.