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Reichenbach Fall

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Posts posted by Reichenbach Fall

  1. The ones i see that cause the most grief for me are





    if you take them away ,there should be a a good boost in fps

    once again, i DO NOT recommend you do this, as it is frowned upon and can be considered cheating.

  2. Hi All, New to forums but not new to game, I bought OA etc off steam a few months ago but have been unable to play Dayz for a couple of months now, Lately I launch using DayZCommander, get through the lobby and then when the little yellow loading bar gets to 3/4 full my WHOLE computer crashes, like needs to be force turned off. I've reinstalled Battleye and trolled the vast depths of the web but nothing, I really want to play this game, just need some help. Thank-you

    Has this happened a multitude of times, or have you attempted it at all since your pc crashed?

  3. Hmm.. there's a few things you can do.

    1) Scan for adware/spyware/viruses and obliterate them with hatred.

    2) Run a disk cleanup and disk de-fragmentation to clean and compress files for more hard drive room.

    3) Turn off any anti-virus software or monitoring software of any kind and then try it again.

    4) Download Gamebooster (made by Razer), and run ArmA II with that, it'll normally disable any unnecessary processes on your computer hopefully ceasing the problem, i use it and it does help to a certain degree.

    If these don't come up with a soultion, i'm sorry, friend, I cannot help you any further.

    Good Luck.

    • Like 1

  4. Ok, So a few days ago I bought Arma 2 Combined operations. I downloaded Operation arrowhead first so I played it for a few hours, I adveraged about 50 fps. I downloaded Arma 2, then the problems happened. After that I would try to run Arma 2 OA, It would go to about 40 fps then back to 0 then repeats. I tried to play Dayz.. Same exact thing. Please help!

    Go back to the basics, re-install everything, patches, add-ons, everything and also configure your graphics settings. Beyond that I'm not sure what could be the problem.

  5. Specs:

    Processor: AMD E2-1800 w/ Radeon HD Graphics 1.70 GHz

    RAM: 6 GB

    Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD 7340 Graphics

    OS: Windows 8

    I have the exact same specs as you, pribably the same laptop (Toshiba Satelite L850D-12p).

    I get 30-40 frames solid on singleplayer on ArmA II and only 10-20 on multiplayer server dependent.


    have a look at that link. it should help a bit

    As for the grass removal...it's not so much a mod, all you're doing is removing the .pbo file from your ArmA II directory, but it does grant you a unfair advantage on multiplayer server where grass is present ... see this is where I figured out the drop in fps is mostly coming from.

    The single player campaign does not have grass enabled on lower settings (or at all i dont think) as DayZ does by default. I do remove the files for grass to put up my performance but if you're caught, it is generally frowned upon as it makes certain things like gillie suits useless, but if you make your case it should be fine but i do not recommend it, even though it does make a huge impact to your fps and you will see it.
