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About Narly

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  1. Custom inventory spawn! Map Food Hunting knife Compass Matches
  2. Great news guys! 2nd private hive server is on its way! We will use it for 2nd map!
  3. Narly

    DaResistance =DARC=

    Thanks man gld to have you! If you need help joining mumble or our server just message an officer on the website. They will give you your tags and help you out ;)
  4. Server back up as Lingor. Mp changes and updates complete!
  5. Narly

    DaResistance =DARC=

    Be sure to join our server as well!
  6. Server update: Server will be down until January 6th-7th for a full server maitence and to implement some of our updates we mentioned earlier. From Narly&Dev team!
  7. Server is undergoing major updates! Server will be changing maps once or twice this weekend. All things you do on any map are saved. Without the map changes we can't be sure that the updates were successful. Map after the update will be Namalsk! Enjoy! Sorry about the inconvenience. Narly,&Dev Team.
  8. Narly

    DaResistance =DARC=

    Bump it up ;)
  9. New server updates include the following: In 1-2 weeks expect: custom starting gear. Map, hunting knife, and POSSIBLY a toolbox. 3-4 weeks expect: New anti-hack system. (Gocha-anti hacks), as well as Custom Spawn points, new vehicle spawns and more custom weapons and vehicles! Enjoy! More updates to come!
  10. Hey guys new update! Due a vote of members of the clan we have decided to switch maps to panthera. It's a good map and you will now have to restart with nothing :( sorry but this map will be fun and just as active as the other! Enjoy! ~Narly&Dev team
  11. Body will stay for around 1-2 hours until it disappears. I'm glad you enjoy it! Also me and my admin team, and developers are Polling on weather we just make the server stay day time. Right now it's set at 2 hours of real life is one night. The rest of the day is daylight. Also I got some extra supplies on me of you need any!
  12. Narly

    DaResistance =DARC=

    Ok that's why I'm gaining lots of recruits with this post? Go troll elsewhere..