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About Jesseindayz

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  1. Jesseindayz

    Who is your favourite DayZ youtuber?

    Ok WTF is wrong with all of you, clearly you haven't watched bluemidgetguy. Best dayz youtuber, hands down.
  2. Jesseindayz

    Worst sins of Dayz master list

    I played a no KOS on sight server, you can still holdup and rob people, if they hesitate kill them, or U can force them to kill themselves... I liked it, it added more of a feel to it and encouraged a roleplaying environment.
  3. Jesseindayz

    Why i am still scared of green mountain

    All who shath goeth untoeth greeneth mountainth will hath thath anuses rupted
  4. Jesseindayz

    Looking for Makarov SD with mags, SA58 CCO and/or RPK

    Where do rpks drop?
  5. Jesseindayz

    Looking for Makarov SD with mags, SA58 CCO and/or RPK

    Rpk is in dayz...? Since when
  6. Jesseindayz

    United Nations Trading Service

    Do u guys do all dis tradin on pub hives?
  7. Jesseindayz

    Any, Disturbing things you have, "Witnessed"

    One time in a galaxy far far away on a server I forget a man was taking fresh spawns in his van up to a remote barn and escorting paying customers to the bar and they could do whatever they wanted with the nubs.. I believe it was called the Bambi Brothel
  8. Jesseindayz

    i find one DMR, what im doing next???

    Am I the only one who likes or finds entertainment in the way this guy types? Sure, he's a crazy egotistical foreigner whos English is off a bit, but he's our crazy egotistical foreigner who's English is a bit off :-p
  9. Jesseindayz

    So trading.. How does it work

    how does trading work..? Is it just like you contact them over skype or some crap and trade on a pub hive then if they fuck you over just say on the TAT list?
  10. what server? also get a skype please
  11. Jesseindayz

    Weapons I Want in DayZ SA

    famas should be added as like a 4500 blood weapon :D
  12. Thought id put my lastest Dayz adventure post here to blow off a lil steam. Also on a pretty cool server: dead zombie storage. Me and my freind nacho were trying to hook up, he was on one end of the map, me on the other. I got a pickup truck and drove for 20 minutes just to find him. It took us another 10 minutes to get this heli he found fueled up. I thought, hey lets meet up with our other freind, so we began flying from Solichiny. It took me an hour to get near where we thought he was (me learning the ropes of flying along the way) and even then I was still slightly confused. Even though we were in a skype call, he typed in vehicle chat "BRB". I wasnt paying attention really, and kept flying around looking. Five minutes later, it says "Nacho was killed" I thought, oh just a coincedence, and I double tap alt (im in first person) look over (in a little bird), and the seat once filled is empty. After that I was kinda creeped out but figured, eh, he ejected because he couldnt play or something and didnt pull his chute. I tell my other freind ill come pick him up. Im in stary and he says, "oh im at stary your not there head west" I started heading west, even though I wanted to get to NWAF. He said he saw me, so I descended and and got out. I get out, alt tab and check my map, alt tab back in (all in a matter of like five seconds) and im knocked out and a zombies beating me up. He manages to bandage me up and save me, but im so low on blood im passing out frequently. I get in the heli, and after what is probably like 2 hours, we are near nwaf and a hospital. We are literally going 300 kmph and i hear a dmr shot. My freind says "oh shit" and is dead, i jump out, and am not chuted, flying through the air, when he hits me and kills me. Side chat some random douche types "SORRY BRO, SHOT WAS TO PERFECT TO NOT TAKE" then comes the dramatic dayz music. And, there it is again. Just when everything seems fine and dandy, like your going to start having some fun, Dayz crushes your hopes and dreams. Im sort of pissed, but we grats'd him on the shot, then logged. I decided to put this here, to recap my events... 2 hours of my life! i wants it back! XD
  13. Jesseindayz

    Zust Server Trade

    Ok, so I have a trade request on a private hive called zust. I know quite a few people play on this server, so I want to know if anyone on these forums plays on this server and is willing to trade. What I have: NVG and GPS. From looking around the trading forums, it seems people trade NVG quite often. If you want further details, (since im not sure if anyone on that hive goes on these forums) please reply, and we can meetup on skype.