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Everything posted by Testwd3r235

  1. Testwd3r235

    Can I run dayz??

    Probably on low to medium settings.
  2. Testwd3r235

    How to improve my FPS?

    Turn them four highs to medium, it'll really help and there isn't much of a difference.
  3. Testwd3r235

    Air horns: annoying and dangerous

    I forgot to mention I like this idea, a fun way to atract zombies and players. Also would be great fun and it is easy to find an airhorn irl, most joke shops or supermarkets have them.
  4. Testwd3r235

    Air horns: annoying and dangerous

    If this comes into the SA I shall make a clan who wield nothing but air horns, using them in synch every 10 seconds, our name will be "Sniper Fodder".
  5. Testwd3r235

    Please tell me the name of the best server.

    I recommend Balota Buddies above any others.
  6. Testwd3r235

    Places to get better gear?

  7. Testwd3r235

    Want free stuff? PAY 5 DOLLARS.

    Maybe it's a server where the guns are scare or maybe it wasn't 3 days playtime, he may have only played an hour a day.
  8. Testwd3r235


    Read the stickes, you need to contact BattlEye.
  9. Testwd3r235

    Want free stuff? PAY 5 DOLLARS.

    As much as I don't like rants, I like your name.
  10. Testwd3r235

    dayz changing?

    So your suggestion is to keep snipers in? I'm sure there is already a topic on that, correct me if wrong.
  11. Testwd3r235

    I need people to join my server

    Are you gonna give us any info about the server? The map would be nice, so would the starting kit and what vehicles they are and they amount.
  12. Testwd3r235

    sanity meter

    I like this idea,I think it'd make sense and give a bit more depth to the game.
  13. Testwd3r235

    Dying Light , a Stand alone killer ?

    Why is it a killer? I love the idea of having more than one game in the genre, letting the gamer choose which the personally like better and it could bring new ideas to the table.
  14. Testwd3r235

    will dayz standalone be a mod as well?

    The DayZ: Stand Alone. It is it's own game, that is the definition of Stand Alone.
  15. Very suspicious since you just joined...
  16. Testwd3r235

    Banned Months Ago, Please Help

    Is this a server or global ban?
  17. That's combat logging, you should pick a better place to log out.
  18. Also, to get unbanned you have to contact BattlEye support, this is their rules: No one is banned for using non-hack programs (like Fraps, overlays, etc.), picking up or using hacked in-game items, weapons or vehicles, being on a server at the same time as a cheater, or other passive non-cheating activity. It doesn't matter if you only cheated on your own private server. Cheating on BE-enabled servers is forbidden, period. A shared or stolen cd-key is no excuse. It's your own responsibility to ensure that no one else has access to it. No details about your ban (including evidence) will be revealed. Hackers would love to have access to this information. If you cheated you will have to live with the consequences. Global bans are permanent and no exceptions will be made.
  19. It steals your CD-Key...
  20. Testwd3r235

    Global Ban #b622ab

    If you read the stickies like you should before posting you'd find out the DayZ devs have nothing to do with bans, you need to contact BattlEye support. Also the code is your GUID.
  21. Testwd3r235

    An idea for Razors

    Why would you want to shave the beard? I'd keep it :P.
  22. Testwd3r235

    Team BBQ teleprting for PvP

    Do you have any proof?
  23. :lol:, have some beans.
  24. Testwd3r235

    Please check out my NEW youtube channel!

    Call upon the Amazing Horse, if he's here...
  25. There were always be hackers, in every game. I wish there wouldn't be but there will be hackers in the SA, lets hope the get banned quick though.