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Everything posted by Testwd3r235

  1. Testwd3r235

    Pc decisions yet again.. (I know i know)

    If you have £900 the best I can think of is a Vibox Hellfire: https://www.vibox.co.uk/gaming-pcs/full-gaming/vibox-hellfire Not many PC's at that price have a quad-core i7 for one...
  2. A: DayZ Staff can't unban you, it's a ban from BattlEye. B: Where is this "good reason"?
  3. Testwd3r235

    Dayz Bad Serial number, please HELP!!!

    Where did you get Arma II?
  4. Testwd3r235


    This is a good idea and I'm not sure but I think it's been brought up before, regardless...that god damn text color.
  5. I'll wait to see you begging for him to be the latest admin :P.
  6. Testwd3r235

    Is This a Good Laptop?

    The laptop should run Arma/DayZ at a decent rate but I use laptops a lot as I'm always traveling and I have to say Toshiba's are the weakest things in the world, none of mine have made it to the warranty expire without a major fuck up. HP's seem to be good, they aren't the strongest but they are decent and cost a good amount of money, my HP was only £400 and it can run DayZ and has only broke once, to repair it was simple enough and the parts were only pennies. I just have a natural hate for Toshiba's as I broke three in the space of a month and the parts cost a lot more than they should, I found it cheaper just to replace the laptop.
  7. Testwd3r235


    How about people who can't afford a gaming PC? Partially true but not all people on consoles are like that, ever heard the phrase "Jumping the gun"? I'm sure they'd make a version the xbox could handle. This is pretty much my outlook on it as well, I mean, we're not short on the people you have all been describing on PC. Although I'm mostly against this, I think if done right it could work but I thought I should raise a few points above :P.
  8. Testwd3r235


    A: Not enough buttons on the controller. B: Hasn't the Xbox One dived? Surely no money in making games for it. C: The actual game (SA) isn't even out on PC yet.
  9. Testwd3r235


    Welcome, have fun and don't get attached to your gear. ;)
  10. Yeah, it'll work fine, lay off the cap lock in the future :P.
  11. Testwd3r235

    Am I doing something wrong?

    DayZ has never had "thousands"....
  12. Testwd3r235

    Few things I'd like to see in SA

    Same here, some disarming mechanic would fit the game really well, as do the rest of the ideas except maybe the ghillie suit, I don't know why, I just don't see it working.
  13. Testwd3r235

    DayZ Fanmade Trailer

    Not really but experimenting is the key, I guess the idea would be to try dubbing over several to the muted video and seeing what fits.
  14. Testwd3r235


    Again, in a realistic world, all the medicine would already have been looted and an infection would be incredibly easy to get. From the lack of hygiene, food, water and shelter.
  15. Testwd3r235

    DayZ Fanmade Trailer

    I liked the video but the song needs a change.
  16. Testwd3r235


    Isn't that what zombie survival is?
  17. Testwd3r235

    Dayz Intro/trailer

    That trailer is amazing, very well done.
  18. If you keep up on things you'll learn Arma II allows script injection but the Standalone won't.
  19. Testwd3r235

    Hello! I'm new and a noob -

    They are the mods launchers, you choose which one to download when you click "Download" in the main page.
  20. Testwd3r235

    Hello! I'm new and a noob -

    Don't read tutorials, the game is about trial and error. That is where the fun is. As long as you have booted up both Arma II and Arma II: Operation Arrowhead and got to the main menu of both games it should work.
  21. When it's finished, I personally don't want it to be released to early and end up with an unfinished mess, *cough* WarZ *cough*.
  22. Yes! First you have to pick up your keyboard, swing it over your head 10 times and then chant the magic words to summon thy orlok and he shall give you one...or maybe yard this post, I'm sure we'll find out.
  23. Testwd3r235

    I am done [Bandit Suggestion]

    Oh good Celestia, please break that paragraph up a bit. This seems like a QQ post with completely unrealistic features towards bandits, not every single person in real life would feel guilt for murder and I don't get how guilt will give you a floating name over your head, make you slower or make you louder.
  24. Testwd3r235

    Can I run dayz??

    Honestly though I recommend a quad-core i5 or at least quad-core i3 processor if you want a decent frame rate.