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Everything posted by Testwd3r235

  1. Testwd3r235

    What's Your Favorite Gear-Out?

    A revolver, lots of food, meds and water bottles.
  2. Testwd3r235

    single player?

    The sticky said to use the search function, the one labeled to read before posting a suggestion.
  3. Testwd3r235

    Global Ban for no reason WTF

    You were banned by BattlEye go there and next time, read the stickies.
  4. Testwd3r235

    surrender animation keybind

    This is pointless when you can lower your gun...
  5. Testwd3r235

    Two separate account profiles?

    So you want to get the game once and a free copy? If you want two copies of the game pay for it on each profile.
  6. Testwd3r235

    Complex car wrecks

    I doubt you have one :P but I like the idea, you finally used the search :).
  7. Testwd3r235

    Urban Dead - An example for a good Zombie MMO

    Almost a checklist, we have the SA release date and cost aswell today. Have we had the 16 global ban appeals?
  8. Testwd3r235

    Urban Dead - An example for a good Zombie MMO

    How is this a suggestion to add to the game? Oh and almost everyone here hates abilities/perks and classes.
  9. This is Pinkie-Pie, she is a pony on MLP. She has a happy and random nature so trolls use her as a persona.
  10. Testwd3r235

    Bury your stuff

    I searched aswell and who cares about pirate photoshops, this is a really good idea :P.
  11. Testwd3r235


    Don't forget the god mode.
  12. Testwd3r235

    Bury your stuff

    To +1 you give beans ;).
  13. Testwd3r235

    Bury your stuff

    I actually like this idea, a little mole hole kinda thing where you bury things aswell.
  14. Testwd3r235


    This guy is like "apache25 II".
  15. Testwd3r235


    He's on the prowl: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/124490-jets/
  16. Testwd3r235


    Needs more detail. -Where would you find them? -Would they be damaged? -What features would they have? -How fast would they go? -Where would you get the bombs?
  17. Testwd3r235

    Removing another players weapon?

    I would love a disarm option, beans.
  18. Testwd3r235


    Is that all? I think you need more detail than that. -Where would you find the garage? -Do you need a key? -Can only you access it? -If everyone can access what's the point? -Would the doors be locked when you find them?
  19. Testwd3r235

    Dumb ways that you have died?

    I play as a hero and I helped a bambi get gear, he found a tin can and for a joke threw it at my head. I hit 88mph and died.
  20. Testwd3r235

    Harlem Shake Real Life DayZ

    This is why we need an "Off-Topic Gallery".
  21. Testwd3r235

    Harlem Shake Real Life DayZ

    Why is this in the DayZ Mod Gallery? I think it's "Off-Topic General" or "Music".
  22. I think there is still another in the recent chatter thing.Edit: Yup: http://i.imgur.com/3Nkxc9g.jpg
  23. This...again? Rocket already said he didn't want this.
  24. Testwd3r235

    dayz commander trojan

    Neither are viruses but most people seem to prefer commander but I like six, your anti virus is picking it up as a virus but it isn't one.
  25. Testwd3r235

    dayz commander trojan

    Get Sixlauncher, preferably a better anti-virus. I use Avast free and it works really well.