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Everything posted by spindle

  1. I was in the NWA with my friend today i had a AS50 with a ghillie suit and he was spotting, a guy ran right across the runway, I shot him once in the chest he died instantly. I regret nothing im not normally a bandit but anything goes at the airfield and besides he was stupid running right across the airfield thats darwinisum for you. We got what we deserved, whilst collecting the loot my friend got shot with about a million 50.cal rounds from nowhere after he died i saw a sniper bolting across towards his body, one more shot he too was dead. I tried to grab my friends gear but only managed to grab his m9sd before narrowly escaping flanking, m14 death. The morale of this story banditry killed my friend, nearly killed me and for what? we didnt even get the loot.
  2. Looking for smooth trade, will offer GAZ (car) offer negotiable. Reply to the post if inerested or if you have any questions.