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About shade45

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Zombie aggro is so bad right now that I just say "fuck it" and sprint to whatever building I need to get to and then pick off the few zombies that don't get stuck at the entrance. IMO that's not the way the game is meant to be played.
  2. It also does not appear to even work since you cant swing it You have to "reload" it. Once you do you get 100,000 "hacks", until you have to reload it again. I'm guessing since there's no melee in arma he had to make it work like a gun. Also while it is extremely buggy (what with spawning 20+ hatchets and crowbars and only being able to pick it up by swapping out your primary and randomly using your binoculars) I was able to kill a guy with it in two hacks (I warned him over direct comm to leave first, I had all my gear on the ground and didn't wanna risk it)
  3. shade45

    [GUIDE] Vehicles & Repair

    Considering how buggy as hell ATVs are I'd change their off-road passability to worst. Riding over bridges or small rocks can make you do front flips and once your ATV flips on its side, that's it, it's useless. They really need to add a feature to flip the ATV over. Even if it just magically makes it upright with no animation, it's be a lot more realistic than it becoming completely useless once flipped.
  4. shade45

    What the hell just happened?

    I sure hope whoever made that vehicle guide had a backup somewhere. That thing was pretty useful and now it's gone.
  5. I support this idea. Would give people incentive to just explore all parts of the map as opposed to just camping out in the NW airfield or Stary.
  6. There was one point where my fps seemed to be capped at 8 earlier today, but after reopening the game and reconnecting I was able to get 50-70fps again.