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Everything posted by TheDesigner

  1. TheDesigner

    1 month in Dayz

    I played DayZ vanilla on Chernaraus for the longest time, a few months if IIRC. Then I played vanilla DayZ on Lingor when it first came out for a month or two. Both are good and offer different experiences while still keeping DayZ vanilla.
  2. TheDesigner

    SA Suggestion: "Mini-games"

    To me, one of DayZ's iconic images is sitting around a campfire at night with some friends and relaxing. When I used to play with a group (Walking Militia), a majority of our time was spent at our campsite waiting for/figuring out what to do. Sometimes it was even to what for night to do raids on the airfield. What would really add to this is 3 "mini-games" I have in mind. All of these could be accessed by sitting down and receiving a scroll menu to choose which "mini-game" to play. 1. Go Fish Simple card game, takes nothing to learn. We already saw that their are cards in game, why not have the ability to play with friends? When sitting down, you'd look at the person you want to ask and scroll your mouse wheel for options on which card in your hand to ask for. Cheating would be disabled. This one speaks for itself so not much explaining. The UI would need work along with it's mechanics, but it'd be a cool feature to add in to remind people that DayZ is also about surviving, not just killing. 2. Counting ammo in a clip/manual reload Rocket seems to be hinting at more realism when it comes to your ammo and not knowing how many bullets you have in a magazine, so this would be a cool "mini-game" to play at a campfire. It would zoom you in to a pile of your clips. You'd empty all your mags after a long day of looting into a pile and would load the empty mags with ammo manually, dragging each bullet to the clip. Time consuming but satisfying and IMO more immersing 3. Cleaning your gun/attachment adding With weapon degradation in DayZ SA, this would be a good way to counter that. You could maybe find extra barrels around Chernaraus to replace a rusty one/broken one from a gunfight. This could also allow you to customize your weapon and add attachments onto it. It could be simplified and just require dragging pieces away from eachother or it could require actual knowledge. Of course engine limitations might make it so these have to be dumbed down/non existent, but so far the coders of DayZ mod, like Razor, have surprised me with the things they are capable of doing, so I won't say they can't do it until they tell me so. Also if someone's already suggested some of these, which I think they have (weapon cleaning/manual loading), my bad. This thread is mostly for the "Go Fish". I did it from mobile too, so be easy on me with spelling errors.
  3. TheDesigner

    Knife Takedown

    Plus, this is already possible. If you hit someone in the head with a hatchet/machete, they die. It all has to do with user input and skill which is the way it should stay. No "Press "T" to insta-kill". So I guess, in some way, you've already got what you asked for :P. If it isn't good enough, I don't know what to tell you.
  4. TheDesigner

    Knife Takedown

    What Gews said. It just gives to much power for too little effort.
  5. TheDesigner

    Attacking while moving?

    An axe is just a gun using a different model and animation. So if you want to win fights, aim for the legs, break em, and run around your fallen foe.
  6. Odd. What beta patch are the servers you are trying to join on? Do check this, don't assume :P.
  7. Use DayZ commander to install the latest version, which should be 106400.
  8. TheDesigner

    It's too late For Dayz.

    Facts? What're those? Sound sketchy, to be honest.
  9. What ArmA 2 beta are you on?
  10. TheDesigner

    It's too late For Dayz.

    It is.
  11. TheDesigner

    It's too late For Dayz.

    Cube World will be better than DayZ SA, it already has weapon customization in it! /sarcasm
  12. TheDesigner

    A light dissertation on Morality in DayZ

    Mm, the guys running through Cherno shooting at everything that moves are the "fittest". It's odd that they lurk in spawn towns.. could it possibly be due to the fact they have to respawn a lot? Nooo..
  13. TheDesigner

    It's too late For Dayz.

    Oh, poor child, you have yet to understand the gaming industry and how it works. It's not about which game releases first that determines which is better. Let me break this down to you, to show you why you are wrong. •He stated that Rust is going to be nothing like DayZ and the zombies it currently has are just placeholders. (Doesn't even have VOIP). •He used a pre built engine, unlike the DayZ SA. He didnt have to recode and debug multiplayer, shading, and visual effects. •He's the maker of Garry's Mod.. Is it a surprise he's focused on building while DayZ SA focuses on PvE/PvP? •The reason DayZ SA hasn't released/will release without some content is that they want to fine tune mechanics so they work some what well, even for an Alpha. Rust did not do this. The only features not in the game are features he's yet to complete. So saying Rust has more features than DayZ SA is absurd. Also, DayZ never claimed to be the worlds first open world survival FPS.
  14. TheDesigner

    Dear Diary...I dun goofed

    Also, as you said yourself a while ago to someone with a similar story.. Yeah. I creeped your content. I'm bored.
  15. TheDesigner

    Dear Diary...I dun goofed

    Being completely honest, when I loaded it up I thought it was myself confessing. Only for a second or two, but still.. my avatar!
  16. TheDesigner

    Dear Diary...I dun goofed

    Woah, woah, woah buddy. Not only did you script but you stole my avatar! Oh hail naw. A more serious note: We all have our sob story about DayZ and why it's hard, but playing DayZ and expecting it to be easy is the wrong mentallity to have, scripting is scripting, no matter what you say you use it for.
  17. TheDesigner


    I'm sure Amber can run you through a more detailed explanation but from what I read it has to do with Asus and it's sensitive Power Surge protector.
  18. TheDesigner


    Specs? And is it a Desktop or Laptop?
  19. TheDesigner

    Where can I get the latest scripts.txt?

    Yeah, I looked over your link too quickly. What you were looking at was a community ban list with what I assume are out dated filters. Se7en is right.
  20. .. Too many shirtless men memories?
  21. TheDesigner

    Where can I get the latest scripts.txt?

    What are the "other" restrictions? I think your scripts.txt updates automatically when you update your server version. I may be wrong, but I'm pretty confident. It does take tweaking to get them working.
  22. So many shirtless men. That video is also chalk filled with possibles GIFs to edit Rockets face onto. Somebody, do it!
  23. *Glow sticks suddenly gain popularity in SA after the opening of Fraggle's pharmacy.*
  24. Will those "pills" knock me out for an undetermined amount of time?
  25. TheDesigner

    Confusing Question...I need some help.

    Yep, it should. If you have your directory set to there, check to see if DC says you have Origins installed. If so, I'm wrong. If not, you're in the green to transfer files and play :P.