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Everything posted by kratisn

  1. MY server cant save tent , i put tent in the ground when i restart the server the tent is gone cant save does anyone can help me with this~PLEASE
  2. kratisn

    MY server cant save tent

    i give you a cp account and password ,can you do it for me ? is so hard
  3. kratisn

    MY server cant save tent

    i cant find that~
  4. kratisn

    MY server cant save tent

    so ,what i need to do?
  5. kratisn

    MY server cant save tent

    i did but they say is not their problem is a problem with dayz ,and he told me to come here get support
  6. kratisn

    MY server cant save tent

    is a hive ,a share hive , is runing chernarus ,the versions is
  7. kratisn

    MY server cant save tent

    so , how do i fix this problem