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Everything posted by Sourcarrot

  1. Sourcarrot

    Zombies attacking animals

    I think maybe corpses but if this they went after living animals there would be none left apart from flipping rabbits
  2. Sourcarrot

    Kicking a Weapon away

    If people don't want them to waste time on a animation how about they just throw it away?
  3. Sourcarrot

    No 2 zombies alike?

    Hello and before anyone starts raging this is not another topic asking for exploding zombies and whatnot. Why does the SA need this? At the moment zombies are very predictable as they all have the same amount of health all have the same speed and so on. This means that people know how many shots to fire and if they need to sprint away or just run away. So what's the solution? My idea is to have zombies spawn with varying amounts of health from maybe 3,500 to 6,000 or something along the lines of that. Also this could be expanded so child zombies (If they're put into the SA) will have lower health than a adult zombie and perhaps there can be zombies with bullet proof armor or something along those lines. There could also be zombies that run faster or slower than a normal one, for instance there could be zombies that hobble or have one leg that will be much slower than others.
  4. Sourcarrot

    No 2 zombies alike?

    never heard anyone say skiddies what part of the UK are you from?
  5. Sourcarrot

    No 2 zombies alike?

    Yeah! That was the sort of armor I was thinking about but couldn't remember the name of. Maybe some could even have riot shields strapped to their backs
  6. Sourcarrot

    Anybody wants to play DayZ together?

    Hello, I'm 14 and have had the game for a few months now and a friend of mine is getting it tomorrow so I could teach you both at the same time :) just add Jackbo44 on skype
  7. Sourcarrot

    Problems with my mic

    My headset automatically plays back anything i hear when my mic is not plugged in and now it does the same thing even when my mic is plugged in. Is there anything I can try or is it broken beyond repair
  8. Sourcarrot

    Problems with my mic

    Hey man it seems to be working fine not sure what did it in the end but thank you so much for helping and beans to all your posts!
  9. Sourcarrot

    Fellow Highwaymen look here

    This sounds fun but whenever I set up a roadblock or something it always seems to fail and I end up waiting hours for nothing
  10. Sourcarrot

    Problems with my mic

    Finally found it but it hasn't helped I might just get a new mic?
  11. Sourcarrot

    Problems with my mic

    Not sure if this will help but oh well. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Creative-Fatal1ty-Detachable-Noise-Cancelling-Microphone/dp/B000P5VR16 this is the mic that I have and what happens normally is that I can play anything that I hear by unplugging my mic from my headset and then it will automatically do it. But now it happens with the mic in, I thought it wasn't registering it or something but it does.
  12. Sourcarrot

    Problems with my mic

    I have that drive but where do i find the menu?
  13. Sourcarrot

    Problems with my mic

  14. Sourcarrot

    Problems with my mic

    I plug the mic into the case and i'm not sure about the sound card
  15. Sourcarrot

    Problems with my mic

    what's that in lamo's terms?
  16. Sourcarrot

    Problems with my mic

    Nope didn't work i think it won't register my mic or something
  17. Sourcarrot

    Problems with my mic

    Oh nonono I mean when i try talking to someone all they can hear is what I hear not that i always hear everything repeated. Sorry for the terrible explaining
  18. Sourcarrot

    Problems with my mic

    Stereo mix is disabled and i'm not.
  19. Sourcarrot

    Anyone play DayZ on Isla Dula yet?

    I really liked it but there's really more than 20 players on
  20. Sourcarrot

    M24 up for grabs

    soda can?
  21. Hey, so as the title says i would like to play music on dayZ but have no idea how. I've seen a few guides but never really understood, so i'd be very grateful if anyone could explain to me how to do this bearing in mind i'm terrible with computers. Thanks for reading
  22. Sourcarrot

    How to play music on dayZ

    i can't find stereo mix in game options?
  23. Sourcarrot

    How to play music on dayZ

    Thank you now i can finally ride around on my bike whilst playing "I want to ride my bicycle"
  24. Dude there's a whiteboard there