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About Sourcarrot

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Sourcarrot

    make flying helicopter harder by 1st person

    I never fly helicopters in 3rd person i don't know why I just find it allot hard
  2. Sourcarrot

    Starting a group

  3. Sourcarrot

    Dumb Ways to Die - DayZ Edition ♪

    Ahahaha I knew what was coming at the end xD
  4. Sourcarrot

    Noob Bandits

    I was waiting in a treeline just north of Balota for a friend after finding a dmr in one of the hangars. I was just chilling chasing a rabbit when I heard footsteps and so I hid in a tree. When i peaked I saw 2 survivors one with a sa58 and the other with a enfield looking pretty much right at me. In my nooby panicked state I got up and ran away looking over my shoulder seeing them pretty much staring at me so i start shouting "FRIENDLY FRIENDLY PLEASE DON'T SHOOT" and they don't respond and after about a minute of looking in trees they run away. I look at them through my scope and shoot them both in the legs for not responding. And that's when I realized I didn't have my mic plugged in so those 2 survivors were pretty much staring at me and didn't see me or just didn't say anything
  5. http://www.dayzdb.com/map this is a pretty darn good map. And if you want to identify them without the map then the general rule is if you can see through it's window you can loot it. But if you want to know exactly what they look like just press a few of the indicators on the map and you will get a visual of what they look like.
  6. Sourcarrot

    [SA] Cooking at campfire

    And maybe the cooking time of meats could vary?
  7. Sourcarrot

    Starting a group

  8. Sourcarrot

    Chance of spawning as different characters

    I think the skins are a good idea but people would just end up killing them selves to get good items not only good spawns
  9. I once found one with 1 M107 and 2 FN FALS and thought it was normal so i have been massively disappointed by every crashed heli since
  10. REQUIRED Ingame Name : : Black mumba REQUIRED Skype? : : Jackbo44 REQUIRED Age? : : 14 UNREQUIRED How long have you been playing? : : 4 months UNREQUIRED Have you Been Or Had Any Experience with Bandits? : : yes when i first joined the game I was a bandit and i have killed/been killed by many bandits through out my time on dayz REQUIRED How long have you been playing DAYZ? : : 4 months REQUIRED What Best are you at these classes? You can add as much as you are best of . : This is quite a confusing question but there's not one there that i can't do. And i'm probably best at pvp, medical and i know the map pretty well ' Also what country are you from i'm from England and i don't want massive timezone differences/you not being able to play on EU servers
  11. Sourcarrot

    Looking for more younger players.

    what country do you live in?
  12. IGN?: Black mumba Age?: 14 Skype?: Jackbo44 Country?: England Do you have teamspeak?: Yes How many months have you been playing?: 4 What are your specialties?: Holding people up
  13. Sourcarrot

    A New Myth

    Dew gives luck and then murders you in cold blood :'(