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Everything posted by Desado

  1. Alright so I am both new to DayZ and new to PC gaming. My PC should be able to handle this game from what I under stand so the only problem I have run into so far is actually getting on a server. I have Arma 2, and Arma 2: OA as well as Arma 2: OA beta. After I downloaded that I downloaded Day Z Commander. Once that was download I made sure my versions were up-to-date and I chose the Arma 2 version that seemed to have the most servers connected. Which as of 12/28/2012 was version 99515. Now when I find a regular server with the same versions as me and no white list or recruit. I attempt to join. My name shows up orange when everyone else is green. After a couple seconds I am kicked from the server. Obviously I'm missing something but I am not sure what. I know there are hundreds of posts like this but I can't seem to find any that have answers that have worked. Would appreciate any any and all assistance if possible. Thanks for your time I am really looking forward to playing.
  2. Desado

    New to this. Need a little help.

    I hit ok early and it started to actually load up the game. I had a message up that said waiting on Character creation when the kicked message finally came up.
  3. Desado

    New to this. Need a little help.

    hmm that's troubling. Am I supposed to go ahead and click ok before I am kicked? Could be I just need to uninstall and reinstall dayZ and dayz commander? I know Arma 2 and OA are working find I loaded those up before already.
  4. Desado

    New to this. Need a little help.

    Actually yeah when I am back in the main menu it shows. Arma2 beta expansion @Dayz
  5. Desado

    New to this. Need a little help.

    Alright I tried it out. Same thing this time. I'm sure I am just missing something simple to have gotten this far. lol
  6. Desado

    New to this. Need a little help.

    Alright trying now.
  7. Desado

    New to this. Need a little help.

    Exact message: You were kicked off game.
  8. Desado

    New to this. Need a little help.

    Alright so tried again it said something about Battleeye uptodate but it was in red? I didn't have time to get the whole message.
  9. Desado

    New to this. Need a little help.

    Oh yeah none of that I heard there were quite a few hackers around. Won't be clicking on any links I don't find myself.
  10. Desado

    New to this. Need a little help.

    In game name is the same as this one. Desado
  11. Desado

    New to this. Need a little help.

    Yeah it did it in multiple servers. It didn't say admin kick. The lower left had something about Battleye being current. The ping I am assuming is that number by your name in the lobby said. (130ms) I'm decent with computers but this is a little beyond things I have worked with before especially with this game so I apologize for catching on slow.
  12. Desado

    New to this. Need a little help.

    Isn't Battle Eye the anti hacking thing? And it just says. You have been kicked from the game.
  13. Desado

    New to this. Need a little help.

    I have Steam now sure what you mean by addy lol But I do have a steam account.