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Everything posted by LeopoldScotch

  1. LeopoldScotch

    Kinda scared of this game

    I'm still scared of running into people ... I have been known to go run and hide like a little girl at the first hinting of trouble (gunshots, odd noises, etc.) because I continually fail to follow the cardinal rule of DayZ: DON'T GET ATTACHED TO YOUR GEAR!!
  2. Translation (for those who can't read teenage internet gibberish): I refuse to give up; I have put alot of work into this. If you want to give up then you can.
  3. LeopoldScotch

    So i decided to take the plunge

    The only way you SHOULD get a ban would be either: - Using something BattlEye consideres a cheat/hack. - You visit a private hive run by some teenagers who got mad you stole their stuff, QQ, and now you can't play a private hive which means you still have every other private hive and the public servers to play on. Basically, nothing to fear but fear itself.
  4. WOW!! Five pages of "bump!" Talk about desperate to get people.
  5. Server and website are "dead." I thought I would try a no-PVP server, such as this one (thought the green-zone idea was nice) but I can't even join their website; I guess I'll have to pass, especially if the admins can't keep their site running right.