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King Tubbs

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Everything posted by King Tubbs

  1. King Tubbs

    Dayz + Arma 2 not working having to buy again!!

    do you have the beta ??
  2. King Tubbs

    How do you start off in SA?

    rocket said (cant remember where sorry) that at the moment it is going to be jeans and a t-shirt
  3. King Tubbs

    What is ping and how do I lower it

    I recently increased my speed look in to 1 removing/cutting the ring /bell wire http://www.skyuser.co.uk/tutorials/how_to_remove_the_ring_wire_from_your_master_socket.html this helped alot I also got a smaller speed increase by moving to a ADSL compatible faceplate for NTE5 http://www.clarity.it/telecoms/adsl_faceplate.htm the one I brought http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0030BC2PW/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i01?ie=UTF8&psc=1 my internet is now faster and my phone-line clearer
  4. it will make the game fair i have to play on low settings (I am upgrading now and i could play better if it was not for city's) but i have also played on a friends PC that is better than mine (not for long lol) and i found on a better pc hiding tents under trees works, but on my pc the leaves fade out WAY before the tent, I have had ago at wasteland and found that i was getting sniped by people i can't see because they are beyond my draw distance If everyone on a server has the same setting the every thing is 100% fair
  5. King Tubbs

    Less military stuffs

    I live in the middle of nowhere but if the guards, military, and police where gone i could have the guns to supply a small army within an hour I disagree that ANY weapon should be removed but spawn rates should be changed MASSIVELY its stupid that in the mouth and a half of playing dayz i found 3 50. cal's but no LMG's 50. col should be in the but should be one of if not the rarest guns in the game (am i mean you only come across some one USING 1 every 3 to 4 mouths)
  6. to the op this game is an ALPHA done
  7. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Corsair-Builder-Series-Modular-Certified/dp/B00ALYOTTI/ref=sr_1_2?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1365607005&sr=1-2&keywords=psu this one is moulder so you only have the cables you need basically go corsair you cant go wrong
  8. King Tubbs

    new pc

    you say you budget is small but how small is small we need a number otherwise people will post £1000 pc's cos that is cheep to them trust me the amount of times somone is asking whether they should get a 650 or 650ti and someone come up with "get a 670 it way better" (also almost 3 times the price) is stupid
  9. King Tubbs

    Played for the first time in months.

    I think it is worse, they have added lots of stuff without fixing what needed it first, so now it is REALLY broken i have barely touched the game in months as a result now i just play PvP maps and that is not often
  10. King Tubbs

    Who are you?

    ouch this hurts my brain
  11. King Tubbs

    Holding a key to raise weapon? Your thoughts

    i like this, this would be a very workable system. when you stop and want to look around or are waiting in ambush you just tap, but if you are creeping up on someone and want the drop on them while moving you have to hold this is the best suggestion so far
  12. King Tubbs

    Standalone Multiple Suggestions(read tags)

    the fact is that rocket has already decided how this will work the the point it mute
  13. King Tubbs

    CPU/GPU usage and overclocking

    the face is there is only so much you can do the game is poorly optimized
  14. King Tubbs

    Standalone Multiple Suggestions(read tags)

    "One thing though, check out the redux mod of DayZ. The way combat leavers are handled is perfect, kill them off. Make them understand that it is not tolerated." i read you're first post
  15. King Tubbs

    Standalone Multiple Suggestions(read tags)

    you just don't get it do you there is going to be a full implemented and combat log system in the SA that WORKS just killing anyone the way you suggest WILL NOT tell me if someone is standing still for 30 sec when you have already shot at them could you hit them???? cos that whats gonna happen in the SA when someone combat logs so how the hell is you're suggestion better?? how is it better that people who have not combat logged getting killed better?? you keep saying "suck it up" it sound to me that you fired close to someone they left and you are crying about it "he should be dead therefore the game should kill him for me" with the way things are going to happen if they combat log you will have them stand still for 30 odd seconds and if you shoot them they die and you get there stuff. done do you not trust you're self the hit someone who is standing still?? so tell me how is it better for the game to kill them for you ???
  16. King Tubbs

    Suggestion : Canibalism and bone ornaments

    this has been brought up alot the tubble is that this would cause the game to be banned in several country's and there is not going to be bandit skins in the SA
  17. King Tubbs

    Holding a key to raise weapon? Your thoughts

    not necessarily think if the weapon drops again after a minute if you have not fired or or iron sighted and drops when you run thats workable and would be much nicer than holding a button
  18. King Tubbs

    Standalone Multiple Suggestions(read tags)

    it IS a bad idea because it would punish people who have not combat logged 1 people whose friend fires near then as they leave 2 people with bad connections 3 people how have someone a long distance away firing at a zombie and i stray bullet hits withing 50 m 4 some severs use 3rd party hax protection that messes with the combat logging systems 5 possibly people who are in combat on a server restart all these people would die unfairly. on the other hand the thing that IS happening NONE of these things will happen it is simple if you combat log you will stand still for around 30 sec that means that if you HAVE combat logged you WILL die, anyone can hit and kill a static target in 30 sec it is a bad idea
  19. King Tubbs

    Standalone Multiple Suggestions(read tags)

    well this thread is over you just don,t get it you're combat logging idea is BAD, rocket has made up his mind and has a great combat logging fix this is WAY better than you're one not one person has agreed with you NOT ONE what dose that tell you ??? IT IS A BAD IDEA
  20. King Tubbs

    Standalone Multiple Suggestions(read tags)

    "I guess people don't see it as more of an issue that 2/3 or more of the players you meet beyond the cities or in the hills above cities disconnect on purpose to save their gear. I find it unbelievable that people are so willing to let something stay so broken". as pointed out before this IS going to be fixed but just not the way YOU want it, with the way it is going to be done if you are in the sights of someone and they and hit and kill you then you die.
  21. King Tubbs

    Standalone Multiple Suggestions(read tags)

    plus with you're combat logging method you would not be able to play in a team think about it you leave to eat to go to bed but 1 of you're team fires a shot within 50m of you at a zombie or animal bang, combat logging= dead you should really catch up with the devblogs ect "If you are allowed to leave from a crash you can be sure someone will find a way and script a way to provoke that type of crash." scripting will be MUCH harder due to the fact that thing's are decided sever side, from now on scripts wont work unless it HACKS the sever as for tutorials still no it called youtube
  22. King Tubbs

    Standalone Multiple Suggestions(read tags)

    ,1a tutorial no the whole point of dayz is to drop the player naked, alone and scared in to a hostile environment 2, this had been discussed and at some point will be making it in to the SA it was discussed on the PAX vids from 2 weeks ago 3. killing off combat leavers is a bad moved, not all combat leavers are cheating some lose connection or have a crash (both have happened to me). the way they are trying to sort this is to have the sever take control of when people leave Eg, you could log out and find that the server has decided that you where combat leaving and therefore keeps you on server for 30 seconds longer
  23. King Tubbs

    Chance of spawning as different characters

    rocket has looked at that and has said that he dose not want to push people in a direction and by the looks of it staring with a backpack will prob go in the standalone plus skins would give an advantage with the new clothes system
  24. King Tubbs

    Holding a key to raise weapon? Your thoughts

    as long as you can put it on toggle i am all for it holding it i do not like
  25. King Tubbs

    My first death

    welcome to dayz