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King Tubbs

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Everything posted by King Tubbs

  1. King Tubbs

    You're fav location?

    1 not telling may camp is there 2 not telling to right near my camp
  2. King Tubbs

    fast and slow reload

    i can quite beleave it i myself have got quite fast at it, but players in dayz are not in the armed forces
  3. King Tubbs

    Is an optical drive worth buying?

    my freind has no dvd drive in his pc and it is a CHORE think about this i just got xcom for £15 from amazon from steam its still £30 (and its a steam based game ) the $22 will soon pay for itself
  4. King Tubbs

    Why is the NE Airfield so lame?

    i love neaf for choppers
  5. King Tubbs

    DayZ SA: Endgame content

    too gamey steam achevements would be ok but they have no affect on the game
  6. King Tubbs

    Winchester vs Lee-Enfield

    i like the Winchester but i almost always take the Enfield because of the sights
  7. for me (and i would say most others) they should not remove ANY weapon or item they should add add add, but the spawn rates should (and are being) completely redone
  8. King Tubbs

    Zomibies seeing me from a MILE away

    this is what stopped me playing, this stuff is MEANT to happen, it is to make the zombies "harder" to me it just feels VERY fake roll on SA where they will be hard because they are fixed
  9. I would love to see this implemented, i like have single number FPS in short trying to implement this would push possessors to the limit
  10. King Tubbs


    can i just point out this is a ALPHA its not really even that its more of a pre-alpha in an alpha this shit happens
  11. I disagree that it is not going to happen, but it will be VERY VERY VERY rare and as you say will only be able to happen with a large very well organized group or clan, but clans like that DO exist, I myself have been part of them in the past (50+ well organized clans on cs:s, ogame and minecraft ) and the difficulty and rarity of in game communatys would be half the fun and with the way base building is going to happen (underground) it will be more like Terminator than populated towns if on the other-hand they make it that you can barricade doors then the night of the living dead zombie defense will be a common sight and i guessing will be a great way to survive a night
  12. its simple if you can build a defensible base you can then build a communality. and hold it long enough and you could see shops springing up imagine finding a town like you do in fallout or stalker but it is 100% run by human players all shops, guards/police even banks ect. being run by real people think about being in a mad max 2 style siege with real people or a night of the living dead defense against zombies any of this is only possible with defensible areas
  13. King Tubbs

    How Do I Play DayZ After Hacking?

    cant wait untill the SA when it will be vac protected hax will result in banning on ALL of you're steam games
  14. King Tubbs

    Revival As A Zombie

    what he means it that the zombies are ALIVE (like 28 days later) not dead
  15. if you are really looking at that price $20-$50 then go on Ebay and try for a 9800 or 250 something like that not great nowadays but will play dayz and should by more reasonable when the SA comes out fyi i have been playing on a 9600gt (i am saving to replace now 660 hopefully) and it runs day fine for the most part (as long as you stay away from east cherno if other players are there)
  16. King Tubbs

    Random blue screen of death??

    most of the time blue screen is a sofware clash, try changing you're virus protection being that you reinstalled windows there is not alot you can do and there is a good chance that is it you're hardware, I have had this with both a fulty motherbord and hard drive on differant ocations
  17. King Tubbs

    Are there any plans for a map editor in S.A.?

    I think it was on the pax Q&A cant remember witch one http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/129619-pax-east-march-2013-presenationqainterviewsarticles/ one of these (I think) i tend to watch ALL info on dayz and often cant be 100% on the source but i am 95% it was 1 of these
  18. King Tubbs

    Are there any plans for a map editor in S.A.?

    rocket said yes at some point there will be full modding tolls (inc map editor) but this will not happen until they are 100% that the game is safe from hackers when they do so i could be quite some time
  19. King Tubbs

    Maps or countries you would like to play in

    I would love Norfolk UK the shape is perfect with seas around 2 sides (N&E) lots of small towns and villages several larger towns (Cromer, Yarmouth, Diss, bury St Edmunds and Thetford Kings Lynn. ect ) then you have Norwich a city about 3 X 2.5 miles with an airport there is a sizable air-force base (lakenheath), as this is UK this would be the only place the get military guns (apart from the odd temp tent base) it would make the NW airfeild look like disneyland
  20. King Tubbs

    Idea on Logout Rules affecting game play

    lol how to break a sever 50 bots running around cherno
  21. King Tubbs

    Feel so guilty..

    you are an asshole
  22. King Tubbs

    Finding a server closest to my location

    the server wont help much with lag, Dayz mod is really badly optimized and you're frame-rate will tank every-time you are near zombies regardless how good you're pc/settings are
  23. i played Dayz for a mouth and a half and loved it but I realized over time i was not thinking "this is a great game" it was "this WILL be a great game, but at the moment its a bit shit" I have been wanting to play this game for 14 years me and a friend have been saying this is our No.1 all that time but while i am waiting for the SA no other game is really enjoyable to me because of Dayz, no game gives me the rush of combat, the fear of hearing gunshots close by, the panic of trying to find food or water when close to death and i have been playing good games Blood bowl C.E saints row 3 assassins creed 2 condemned C O Dead rising 2 Minecraft Dota 2 mass effect even the walking dead all have been left incomplete/alone but i am not enjoying the mod anymore as it is a poor copy of what the SA will be on release, even though it will still be a little broken in parts, have few guns, and possibly no cars thanks rocket :S gonna try xcom next
  24. King Tubbs

    Your idea of the "perfect" server?

    one that plays SA now