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King Tubbs

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Everything posted by King Tubbs

  1. King Tubbs not too far.

    fix the damn path finding then zombies will run indoors and you wont be able to lost them because you ran past a tree or low wall optimize the zombies then you can have more of them AND higher FPS fix THEN change
  2. dose anyone know id the maps made for the mod will be useable for SA??? I would love to do norfolk
  3. King Tubbs

    Adressed to all forum members

    yep 1st thing i did
  4. King Tubbs

    Adressed to all forum members

    this patch totally broke the game for me the only way i can play is to reinstall the whole of dayz every time i want to join a sever and as for when i have played..... I just really wish they had fixed the zombies (witch would have made them harder) before making the harder in the ways they have my main concern is that with patches like this the mod will die when the SA comes out as for the OP i could not agree more the trouble is the responses to the well thought out intelligent posts are often the same as the rage filled hate posts its a shame to see a good community fall apart so quickly from 1 patch over the last few days some threads could have been ripped out of the warz forum
  5. King Tubbs

    Have you ever had a good play?

    as most people have said change the way you play 1 of my best was when I got bored and decided to go zombie killing (one of my most loved passed times) the net result was me stuck on the roof of a block of flats with zombies coming one after another up the ladder after me with no way out and only 26 shots in my lee enfield I thought i was done for then i herd a chopper who asked if i needed help and then landed for me attracting zeds enough for me to get out and to his chopper because he had landed more zeds spawned so the run to him was surrounded by 30/40 zombies it was like a set piece from so many other games but SO much better because i did not know help was on the way and it had happened organically in short do what you would normally not do make a camp go and PVP zombie hunt save a noob play at night play a different map play with more players this game is what you make of it
  6. LOVE this game I really do but this last patch is just a mess i cant play at all I have got on to 2 servers all day (out of about 20/30 attempts) and when i have played the balance seems way out zombies hit harder not a bad thing but i hit a zombie 4 times before it went down 1 zombie me armed with a crowbar i get the first hit in AND HIT EVERY SHOT and i lose a third of my health the much faster login process seem slower not faster the combat logging system help hackers grief less food per animal and less health from each the net result is they had totally unbalanced the game, the game needs to be harder that a fact but.... A rule of any zombie story, game, film or tv program is that 1 zombie vs and armed person is no real threat that is no longer the case in this mod add that to the fact that the game is broken for so many people means this is probably the worst update i have ever came across in any game (if you know of 1 worse i don't envy you) so I think im done with this bring on the stand alone there doing it right zombie's that are more dangers because there will be more of then that attack in groups (because they don't zig zag), and run through building's I give thanks to the mod community for trying to keep things rolling but if this is the best you can do i sorry its not good enough, and I think the mod is going to die a rapid and horrible death when the stand alone comes out
  7. King Tubbs

    ok I think i'm done with dayz (mod)

    well the modders may care if they start losing people left right and center I want to see the mod continue as the best parts from this could be pulled over to the SA there are some nice ideas coming out on this mod but the bad one have been REALLY bad I an still going to be on these forums cos i love the game, just not what has happened to it today this is the last thing i will say too you as you are blatantly trying to flamebate me
  8. ok i am getting waiting for host glitch the loading screen glitch script restriction 40 and 44 the something went wrong please restart glitch wrong signature file for about 10 files glitch which one i get each time i load in is random is a great patch well done guys
  9. King Tubbs

    meny meny meny problems

    nope i got on too a severs came on here to say thanks and have now got the same problems again when i fist installed the new patch i did get to play a server before it started and have had the same thing again :(
  10. King Tubbs

    meny meny meny problems

    yep it worked deleted all dayz files from arma 2 and reinstalled fresh and its going thanks for the help everyone
  11. King Tubbs

    meny meny meny problems

    I am now doing a clean install as suggested
  12. King Tubbs

    meny meny meny problems

    I reinstalled dayz through dayz commander and arma 2 beta I am now doing a clean install as suggested
  13. King Tubbs

    Natural disasters and events.

    Tornadoes should appear like 5 times a week omg no 1 a month maybe really all of you're ideas are nice but WAY to common they should be rare REALLY rare
  14. King Tubbs

    meny meny meny problems

    sorry im dyslexic it tends to get worse when i am pissed off Awesome game. 1 bad patch now i cant play it = REALLY PISSED OFF
  15. my tents have diapered im guessing that is is because of the update and im not getting them back right??
  16. King Tubbs

    tents gone after update

    that cant be it only 2 of the 5 tents had weapons 1 had a pdw the other had m14 aim m4 m16 m203 dmr g17 m1911 but all 5 tents are gone
  17. King Tubbs

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    this vid is like a VERY hot naked woman behind and inch of glass- Love seeing it, but all it really dose is make me want to play with it when i can't
  18. King Tubbs

    why destroy tents?

    I found a large camp that someone had driven over ALL of the tents why would anyone do that?? when i find a large well stocked camp that is blatantly being used i note its position and raid it a little I take enough to be worth it but not so much that they move the camp and if it is really well stocked they may not even notice that way i can come back and raid it again and again and again most of you will come back with "to grief" But Its like having a bank that gives you free money , and you decide the best thing to do is burn down the bank "for fun" its stupid
  19. you need dayz commander that will take care of all the dayz stuff you also need the arrow head beta it is free and located under arrow head on you're steam library remember to run arma2 and OA to the start screen before installing dayz
  20. King Tubbs

    Military Helmet

    helmets and bullet proof vests are coming in the stand alone
  21. King Tubbs

    why destroy tents?

    ok i can see that one lol
  22. King Tubbs

    Vehicle Not repairing

    lol just happened to me again wise to it this time wont do anything else untill severs restart
  23. King Tubbs

    Should it be released for Mac?

    I think it should be released on mac but not after the stand alone, more when the stand alone is on general release in a year or so I don't want to see the development of the game slow down for a mac release and besides the mac's that will be out by that time should be able to handle properly
  24. I had the same problem with a Military Off-road it sorted it self out after sever restart but it was the exact same problem