Kind of thought of the same thing when i looked at how in might work. Magazines should be able to be empty, then loaded with bullets, whether bullets spawn in magazines or on their own, or both is a matter of opinion though. Maybe the gun and magazine could have durability values (not actually visible?), with lower durability (below half, after a few hundred shots or so) guns being louder and have more recoil, while magazines being more prone to jamming, still should need a mechanic to repair them, and the durability should not degrade that fast with use, once it breaks, or forceably using toolkit, you should maybe get a set amount of "X" weapon spare parts, maybe different categories (kinda like how repairing a car/heli etc works), (more parts if dismantled rather that breaking), to use to fix a gun that uses those parts. And here are just some ideas regarding volumes and other stuff, but includes how i'd like to thing ammo/magazines will work on part 1.