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Everything posted by sanchezlike

  1. sanchezlike

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Rocket you have to add a damage timer that if someone DC's lets say within 60 seconds of being shot/attacked by zombies. They get killed and lose all their stuff. They added it in a garrysmod gamemode called Experim3nt and it worked out really well.
  2. sanchezlike

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Thank god this is a zombie mod and the most broke thing about it is the zombies. Now I can finally return once this update comes through.
  3. sanchezlike

    More vehicles

    Did you know only 28 vehicles spawn on server resets? and that only 15 of them are cars? Did you know when vehicles blow up they don't come back? Honestly when I played Taw_Tonic's wasteland before Dayz came out the balance of cars was pretty nice. For this I would expect 50-60 vehicles on the map. More civilian cars should be introduced there is too little variety. Vehicles in dayz should play a bigger role. Considering how many parts you find laying around.
  4. Assholes get their camp exposed in seattle server with 45 player cap and north of Lopatino and the Airfield is Skalka. There is a lot of shit here. Bandits treasure!
  5. sanchezlike

    (Seattle 45p) Skalka camp

    I'm the asshole I told everybody so people like you salty could get their gear because they are the assholes that deserve it.
  6. sanchezlike

    Removing Global

    I don't know why people whined about VON being broken a few updates ago when they disabled it. It was really nice. I think Global should be removed as a whole and keep direct. It would add to the realism and let the noobs learn for themselves.
  7. I like that this is small tweaking. Nobody ever thinks about the difficulty it is to add their suggestions and most of them are retarded. People need to start making more realistic posts like this and put themselves in the scripters shoes. I feel if people don't have experience in coding, modeling, texturing, or anything to do with constructing a game/mod they should not make posts. Not just because you think your top shit guy with fancy wording and think you have survival realistic man instincts.
  8. A player ran city/area where traders,friends,bandits, or whoever would go to do whatever. EX: Meet up or trade. You wouldn't have to add anything to the script which is easy unless you want to do this in a city and remove the zombies in that area. I was thinking that it would be guarded by admins or have an application area on the forums for players to setup apps and make oath to protect the town. So any thoughts of massacring the whole town might not be there. Anyways I think it would be really cool to walk up to a few complexes that are civilly set up. There could be rules set up and anything else you would need. I wish I could explain this better, but its all so perfect in my head. I think it would provide a lot more for the dayz servers.
  9. sanchezlike

    Neutral Areas/Player ran towns

    You think I don't know that? of course its not going to be risk free sandboxes do work like they work great with roleplaying properties ever heard of garrysmod? If you wanted it to be risk free you would ban people for shooting someone in a neutral area but I'm hoping people are smart enough not to shoot a neutral area for the fact that they will most likely die and it is a mainly a trading center which could only do you good anyways. You must be one of the people who bought arma just to play dayz.
  10. sanchezlike

    DayZ Update 1.4

    Sanchez like