Ok so this is true and totally fucked up and has put me off DayZ for a while... So one night a friend and I were on a loot run through starry and up to the nwaf , the usual run. At starry there was a car and we really wanted some wheels so my friend and I agreed that he'd go and get the parts while I stand overwatch guarding the car, silly me.. As the night grew ever so darker my friend had made a couple of rounds to the car with jerry cans , wheels, etc. I was getting pretty bored so I was just fiddling around on Facebook on my phone. Then i heard the creepiest rustling sound through my earphones, it was sooo creepy, i put down my phone and had a quick scan around ( I was on the hill overlooking the tents in starry) Behind me was this goat, just standing there facing me but it looked as if it was looking past me at something off in the distance. This made me shit my panties then and there as i had been reading about these hella creepy goats before. I new in the back of my mind they were all fake but i just didnt want to take my eyes off it..... and then BAM A DMR shot splits through the night next thing i know im on the ground unconcious, broken legged with an "unkown" sniper standing over the top of me, as i bleed out he slowly walks back to join the goat. Im just sitting there watching them watching me thinking what the fucking fuckity fuck just happened. As all this was going on i was screaming at my friend to get his ass back over here. When he got back i told him where i died, there was nothing there he couldnt find my body, no flies, no goat, no "unknown sniper" Just to add the ghillie suit the guy was wearing wasnt the usual ghillie suit, i swear it had blood on it Anyway, i learned my lesson, fuck DayZ its he creepiest game ever, and i kid you not this is true (no screen shots because i was almost crying)