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Everything posted by tweakyx

  1. tweakyx

    Kat Ban Appeal

    I was on the 1000000 vehicle server and received a kat ban message of 36677 GUID 9dd40966de0c001d6d6e1d49ecb4deab In game name [ESD]FredDurbin Not sure what is causing me to get banned but this is like the 6th time in the last three weeks. I recently uninstalled/ and deleted my arma stuff to see if that helps but now I'm on this community ban list :(
  2. tweakyx


    Tried connecting to a server I frequent and received a message saying I was KAT banned and was directed here. GUID 9dd40966de0c001d6d6e1d49ecb4deab In game name [ESD]FredDurbin community ban list remove me plsssssssssss
  3. tweakyx

    Kat Ban Appeal

    argh i want to get off this community ban list
  4. tweakyx

    Kat Ban Appeal

    Yeah followed that to the ban appeal which got no response so I made this topic
  5. tweakyx

    Kat Ban Appeal

    I'm on the community Dart ban list which is why they told me to come here to get removed from it.
  6. tweakyx

    Kat Ban Appeal

    Well give me another server to play on:)
  7. tweakyx

    Kat Ban Appeal

    Why do you feel like its such a retarded server?
  8. tweakyx


    Tried connecting to a server I frequent and received a message saying I was KAT banned and was directed here. GUID 9dd40966de0c001d6d6e1d49ecb4deab In game name [ESD]FredDurbin Kat message was ban 36677