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Everything posted by Tundric

  1. No problem. Add me on Steam: Tundric (Bloop) and we'll talk about meeting up. Thanks.
  2. Nice, I'd definitely be interested. To confirm, the offer is mp5sd and tent for m107 and rangefinders? Or are you talking mp5sd and tent for m107, ghillies, nvgs, and rangefinder all together? If it's the latter you'd make my week. let me know haha. thanks
  3. I have an MP5SD with three mags as well as a tent that I'd be willing to trade. I'm not sure on how many rounds each mag has in it though so I may have to throw in some sweats. I'd be interested in trading for that m107 w/ mags and a ghillie suit, perhaps some NVGs as well if you're feeling generous. Thank you in advance, hope you're interested.
  4. 'Ello. I'm about eight hours into a character with a buddy of mine, and we're pretty geared out. Needless to say, I don't want to progress in the game without him being equal, plus finding eachother may be a hassle as I don't know the map that well. I feel like this may be a silly problem with an obvious solution, but I've yet to stumble upon it, so I'm asking you guys. Basically, I've been trying to start a new character, but have ended up loading into the same position on the map with the same gear, etc. I've been switching character profiles, servers, and everything you can change to get a fresh spawn. Still nothing. I'm pretty confused at this point, seeing as I've tried multiple different combinations of profiles and servers, still spawning in the same place. Would love if someone could help me with this, thanks.