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Sir Trigger Happy

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About Sir Trigger Happy

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Sir Trigger Happy

    Good place to find Ghillie

    I thought this might be a good tip for people looking for ghillie suits. I have multiple times found ghillie suits in the guard post beside the firehouse in elektro by the church. Now it does seem random, but there must be a heightened chance of spawn there because I have never found one other than that location; or it is just some crazy coincidence on my part. Cheers!
  2. I recently changed from Six launcher to Commander, and I know am getting a Set Variable Restriction Error #101 message when I join most servers, and it kicks me. Has anyone had this error? I have seen similar topics but with different numbers so I thought anyone with this error could get help here.
  3. Sir Trigger Happy

    Set variable value restriction #101

    Any help?
  4. Sir Trigger Happy

    Set variable value restriction #101

    Also have the same issue. DAT BUMP.
  5. Sir Trigger Happy

    Wanting to play with a small group of Bandits

    Added you. We can chat on that when you get a mic.
  6. Sir Trigger Happy

    Helicopter Spawns

    I read somewhere that helicopter crashes were made more random in a recent patch, is this factual?
  7. Sir Trigger Happy

    Wanting to play with a small group of Bandits

    That is fine. Send me the name of the skype here when you have it.
  8. Sir Trigger Happy

    Wanting to play with a small group of Bandits

    I can use another talking service that you may be more familiar with. When you get your mic we can start playing. You can download skype for free and add me though. Create an account and download the software and send me on this topic your name! :)
  9. Sir Trigger Happy

    Wanting to play with a small group of Bandits

    I would be interested, I am 16, looking for someone to go up north to go helicopter hunting with. I play on a specific private hive server though, so that might be a problem. I also prefer skype.