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Everything posted by Zombiech

  1. Zombiech

    I'm Positive

    Well I'm almost done downloading Arma II: Operation Arrowhead, I already finished downloading Arma II. Now when I asked if my PC could play DayZ, someone said no because of my graphics :\. Arma II runs very fast on High Detail and the graphics are just fine, its not choppy, so I don't think DayZ will be choppy at all then, I'm just about to play DayZ for my first time, I hope it's fun... That's the reason I bought Arma II: Combined Operations
  2. So I just downloaded DayZ Commander and there are no servers... I don't know why. When I try to install DayZ manually, it gives my the option to download it on Bit Torrent, and I don't know how to use torrents :( So I cant play DayZ :( If you can help me thank you
  3. Well, if anyone is still there... This was a success, thank you so much, I played some more DayZ, but since it was my first time, I attracted like 20 Zombies towards me, and almost died, I also ran out of ammo, so I will get better hopefully, I give thanks to everyone who has helped me :) Thanks to: AmberHelios Fraggle smasht_AU
  4. Wait, do all DayZ servers have Zombies?
  5. And how do I get 3rd person mode? Cause I'm not a fan of First Person Mode on a Zombie game, unless its CoD
  6. does anyone know how to make it from a 3rd person view, and the left click doesn't shoot :\
  7. Well I played some DayZ, I don't know how to chat to people though, and it was in first person, and I couldn't shoot :|
  8. I'm re-installing DayZ
  9. It says something about additional accepted keys because the dayz_equip folder isn't allowed by this server.. Or something like that, I cant screen shot it because when I do, it doesn't show it, it shows the desktop because its fullscreened
  10. Any server, DayZ only, it says this for every server It also says something about keys :\
  11. I believe so, also most of the servers say I need an Addon dayz _equip EDIT: It says "Addon 'dayz_code' requires addon 'dayz_equip'
  12. Well I tried to join servers, it tells me crap about the @DayZ folder keys or something
  13. Err, how exactly do I join a server?
  14. Everything is up to date.. Lets try this out :)
  15. Arma 2 OA Patch, it says this application may take a while, it will update Arma 2, should I say yes :S EDIT: This is for the Beta Arma 2 patch
  16. Wow, ok, I'm downloading both of them now ^^
  17. Well, there are install buttons, do I install them all? which ones :?
  18. Ok, lets test this out
  20. O crap, I think i fixed it!@#!@
  21. I hope you guys will still be there, I have to restart my PC so that .net framework is enabled, Please stay there, I'll be back in a few minutes
  22. Anyone still there to help me :C
  23. Ok I turned on Framework 3.5 and all the others, some features were blocked