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Everything posted by leadergorilla

  1. leadergorilla

    Has anyone found themselves locked in yet?

    my friend got locked in a room cos when he used his lockpick it broke...he had to switch servers
  2. the loot seems to be glitched in these areas, i've only found it in the military police buildings( do people still call them that?) and in barracks but it's fucking annoying since you can't find anything in the piles and they don't seem to spawn clips or ammo just guns and clothes.
  3. leadergorilla

    Would you like spawn points spread out?

    all my yes. Problem right now is that you can only consider the m4 and some pants with more space "military loot" so they'll need to add in more weapons and gear before they can change spawns but they should (and I still think it is a good idea) keep the mod spawns. The reason Why they got rid of those spawns was stupid and because of that beartowns is a total warzone. When they do add more military loot (i thought the ak and mp5 were done dean >:( ) then they'll really need to crack down on the spawning if they hadn't already by that point in time and as for now the loot in general is messed up on all accords. My reason for saying that is the fact that we're pretty much good on civ loot for the time being but as i said before, the only thing that can be considered "military loot" is an m4 and some pants with with more space.
  4. leadergorilla

    R.I.P Elektro

    don't worry, whenever they decide that closing off spawns to stop suiciding wont work as long as two spawns exist. Then elektro will become populated again because at that point hopefully it will be mod spawns where cherno was a dangerous place and not a ghost town and the n.w.a.f. could be highly populated but everything else west and inland you can drive around shooting an m60 and no one would care. The dayz where berezino was that town you visited with a ghilie suit 20 dayz after spawning and nothing better to do unless you got that lucky solnchi spawn away from everyone else.
  5. leadergorilla

    Police gear and stuff

    So i was thinking that with these new police stations added that we should be seeing more police stuff in them. Now i'd imagine police gear should already been confirmed to be added but i think that the stuff that spawns in police stations is a bit silly since it is mostly soda or can openers then maybe a gun and a little bit of ammo. Really a police station should have more guns maybe like a makarov or a pump shotgun including ammo. Towns like kamyshovo shouldn't have a stockpile of ammo and high powered rifles though, but a city like elecktro should have something other than a blaze rifle in it. Like hospitals in the mod i also think that you should see more police zombies around the police station and maybe some with riot gear, speaking of which. Riot gear would also make sense to be found but i think in certain places around a city, maybe were they tried to hold back the zombies by making a barricade. Here is what i was thinking of (don't worry not a spoiler.) Riot gear could give you protection from the zombies but not bullets because you know it's not meant to protect you from a sniper. Do you think riot gear and police weapons should be put in the game? (Also keep in mind i didn't do any research on the Russian police force's typical equipment.)
  6. leadergorilla

    Police gear and stuff

    how about the light jog
  7. leadergorilla

    The Curse of Green Mountain

    an evil place...that's all that needs to be said
  8. leadergorilla wait for host

    So, ever since i updated dayz to i've been having a problem were any server i load up gets stuck at wait for host i went back to 1.7.7 and the same thing happened. i have re installed dayz and arma 2 103718 (stable) but it doesn't seem to work. (i have waited for about 10 minutes so it can't be that.) please help me, i need my beans :( if i can't get it to work then i might need to wait until a knew update comes out but even then it still might not work.
  9. leadergorilla wait for host

    Yes, i have tried a lot of hive and non hive servers each give me the same problem.
  10. leadergorilla

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    100% true. they're trying to force a military simulator into dead island. if it continues like this then the game will seem to ripoff minez...and i will not go back to playing that shit.
  11. leadergorilla

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    My friend and I had left the NE airfield and updated the game. When we came back we crawled to grishno after passing devil's castle but before we even made it into the town a zombie attacked us. We got up and ran into the trees but a whole army of zombies seemed to have noticed us and one of them was a "new" zombie. We couldn't lose them in the trees so we ran back to the field, my friend got knocked down and infected so he killed them all with an m4a2 cco after pouring half the clip into the special zombie.we get any antibiotics so i killed him while he killed me.. This update is good because it has stopped bandits camping cherno since no one is going have the ammo but the zombies are fucking hard to deal with and will take forever to get use to so overall i like what the devs did but if it's too realistic then it will ruin the fun and this game will go from running simulator to hiding in the forest because fuck trying to loot a town without killing the whole population of zombies. p.s. if you're going to flame me then don't say that it's just like old dayz because it isn't.
  12. also probably the best song to describe a bandit
  13. leadergorilla

    Spawns On The East

    you can spawn in sol but it's rare. also spawning in berezino would just bring it back to being cherno and elektro now. i think a better answer would be to only fine enfields so some bandit can't stay cherno with an ak 74/ m or a cz hopping from the fire house to the medical tents grabbing there ammo and killing mr. makarov. if that was gone then they would need to go up north if anyone wants a killing weapon.
  14. leadergorilla

    Why banditing?

    please explain how when someone is a bandit you can already give a percent chance that they're an "immature little kid"
  15. leadergorilla

    Why banditing?

    well when you have a 15 day long character going, you kinda get bored of looting the NWAF for the 100th time just for another stanag clip. so when you have the best gear in the game you might as well share your loot with all of the server's population by pointing it at there face and firing repeatedly until they have no face to point at.
  16. leadergorilla

    Why banditing?

    so true...
  17. i agree. one time i was running down the coast and i saw some unarmed bloke he ran up to me and beg for me to not kill him. i told him i wouldn't and gave him some beans and a few mags but the fact that he was afraid that i would kill him just makes me angry to think people would do that. well whoever did kill that guy before, probably needed that band aid more than anything.
  18. leadergorilla

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    i think the whole walking dead cast should be skins you can play as :D ...a man can dream.
  19. so i wanna know what the good people of the dayz forums think what a bandit is. Do you think a bandit only kills for fun or do you think true bandits kill to loot?
  20. leadergorilla

    Are KOS kiddies cowardly and stoopid?

    bandits that shoot the second they see something that looks like a human are dumb. but normal bandits stalk there prey until they see a good chance to get a clean kill. also i wouldn't say that most bandits are gonna follow someone to see if they have a camp. because they would probably get spotted by them while they follow them through cherno looting the high value stuff. But 3 bandits stalking 3 guys may lead to a different outcome. ;)
  21. leadergorilla

    a tent in the south

    so, i just spawned in right around cap golova and i decided to just run into the forest. then i saw something. A tent close to the outside of the forest. i ran up to it and checked it and what i found made my day. I found a ghilie suit, an m107 sniper with ammo, and an fnfal with no ammo. i didnt take the fal because i couldn't fit it in my patrol pack (remember i just spawned) so i left it and ran until i was at a safe distance to type in: thanks for the ghilie suit and m107, because when you just spawn it's kind of you to leave that in your tent. :P
  22. leadergorilla

    what do you guy think a bandit is?

    i mean what are your rules on banditry.
  23. leadergorilla

    When was the first time YOU killed someone in DayZ?

    The first time I ever killed someone was 10 minutes ago! i'd had the game for about a 2 weeks and here is how my story goes. i was in cherno and i had an ak-74, i was in one of the hotels (the one next to the church that you can go in) and i saw someone go in. i would never kill anyone without a weapon but after breaching some rooms i found him. looting some beans with an m9 out he was about to look at the door and see me so i..just shot. he died without getting a single bullet off. I wan't just gonna leave a body unlooted even if i DID kill him i grab his m9 and before i could leave i heard footsteps. i didn't want to have any other player contact so i aborted...and now im here. that's my story and sorry for any bad English; :P