Travel inland, my friend. I have a tendency to spawn near Kamenka or Komarovo a whole lot when I respawn, so what I usually do is hit up whichever town I spawn near for food and water, and perhaps a hatchet if possible. Komarovo has a bike spawn, in a bush by a shed about 200m East of the Church which is usually not taken so I go for it whenever I can. Great way to travel. You won't get cover, but it's pretty silent and great to get around as you can use hills to go pretty fast. There's six Deer Stands between Kamenka and Bor, which will usually net you at least one decent primary and at worst enough gear and a secondary to get yourself up further North to take advantage of the other less-traveled loot spots. Heading from Kamenka to Bor if you go North, and then East following the road to Bor you'll cross all six of them pretty easily. I tend to find enough gear there for a fresh spawn to go from zero to hero in a matter of about 20 minutes. They aren't TOO frequently traveled, but I've had shoot outs near them before. Typically I play a survivor first, friendly second so I will scope out an area before going into it and look for other players before making the choice to move on. The first thing you want to do is avoid the open planes that make up the lower half of the Western side of the map, which is generally sniper food. Someone with decent aim and any kind of rifle will be able to take you out easily, as there is very little cover save for the odd stone wall here and there, and concealment is limited. While you travel take time to look at where you are going, much before you get there. If you come along to a deer stand with zombies close to it, that is a good sign, if they are no where to be found or have all ready started wandering away, someone was just there and it isn't safe. Stay low and move on. If you spawn by the cities, you're going to want to get out as soon as possible. Chernogorsk and Elecktro are the two most heavily populated areas on the map, and you're going to want to get away from there as fast as possible.