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About themurdertrain

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  1. themurdertrain

    How will grass be made into an advantage in the SA?

    Totally didn't see that! I needed to look harder, my bad!
  2. themurdertrain


    This is more to simulate the lack of the map, and the player drawing it as he goes, rather than what you just said.
  3. Grass is drawn client side, 50m away from your character in all directions. Currently if someone snipes at you from greater than 50m and you go prone while they stand, you are at a significant disadvantage. The lack of a line of sight due to the grass being in your face, while they can clearly see some or all of your body even as close as 50-75m away, the player who stands up to take a shot is more likely to win the fight than the player who stays prone. Look at how easy it is to see someone in a ghille suit from a distance than it is close up and you'll understand my point. Fire a shot at people crossing a field, and watch how easy it is to see them crawling on a flat texture while they can barely see past their hands. Regardless of everything else, putting giving yourself a lower profile is the first thing you do while being shot at. The second is identify the target and return fire if possible. It's psychologically ingrained in most people to get down when you're being shot at, but in the current game that will just make you an easier target.
  4. themurdertrain


    I've always wondered why there are so many military topographical maps lying around in the world. At most, two people in a platoon will have one when going into the field, yet they are littered everywhere. Once you find a map you're good to go. The world is open for you. Even if you're very experienced and know your landmarks, the map will still help. So here is my suggestion, there are multiple map types. The lowest, being something along the lines of a scribbled map written with great haste on a spare sheet of paper. It isn't to scale, but it gives you a general idea of which way to go. The next map up would be a travelers map, normally known as road maps. It would give greater detail, but it wouldn't give out a six digit grid like our current map does. The military grade topographical map would be the map we use now, with all of it's features. So as an idea... Scribbled maps are partial and will not show all of the world, only where they have "been", much like the scribbled areas are filled in when the Fog of War is removed. They will spawn just about anywhere, and will not be any less common than the current maps. The road map will most likely be in just about every civilian car, and spawn in gas stations and supermarkets as well, while spawning elsewhere rarely. The military map is limited to military vehicles and spawns only, and should not be found three to a pile in a grocery store such as it is right now.
  5. themurdertrain

    Zero HUD

    Am I correct when I say we're no longer going to have a HUD in the SA?
  6. themurdertrain

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    I'd rather not see them at all. They're kind of a distraction. Granted hipshots are necessary sometimes, but even with that just aiming in the general direction of the enemy works. All too often you can zoom without using iron sights and turn a Lee Enfield into a DMR for PvP, just because it's almost 100% accurate to the crosshair and the player zoom offers better visibility than ADS with a Lee Enfield. I'm for zero HUD in general.
  7. themurdertrain

    DayZ, I am dissapoint.

    I mean doping is when you store some of your blood during training, have all but the red blood cells extracted, then reintroduced into your system during a competition. If it was Barry Bonds we were taking about, the Epi makes a lot of sense. lol.
  8. themurdertrain

    DayZ, I am dissapoint.

    Someone said Thread of 2013, and it's all ready dead.
  9. themurdertrain

    DayZ, I am dissapoint.

    I haven't done this because I never run into bikes on the private hive I play on.
  10. themurdertrain

    DayZ, I am dissapoint.

    Why have I yet to see a player named Lance Armstrong rolling around on a bike handing out bloodbags?
  11. Best server I've played on ever. The admins care, there hasn't been a hacker in the month and a half I've been on there. There's bandits, heros, and players who group together and wage small battles against eachother. Get whitelisted, and get playing.
  12. themurdertrain

    Tell me your stupidest death stories...

    I was fully kitted out. MK48, DMR, Ghille, and almost every tool. I check something on skype real quick, and come back into the game. I tried to send a message to help a bambi with a question, and I must have hit enter twice because I was ejected from the truck we were driving in and died instantly. My gear was saved, and I spawned within walking distance of a fully repaired and fueled heli right outside of BZ but still a stupid death.
  13. themurdertrain


    And a group could find an ANCD and put commsec into their radios to create a private net. I like the idea of radios. A lot.
  14. I think there needs to be a better incentive to being a Hero versus a bandit, as right now it's much easier to just kill people and take their things than to heal them to run slightly faster.
  15. themurdertrain

    logging out

    I do think the multiple step process is annoying to log out of. However I'm pretty sure once you click abort you're out of the game, the rest of it is exiting the client.