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About Quartermaine

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Quartermaine

    Dayz with VR Glasses!!!!

    Rocket is the kind of guy that has already been told about this, or has known about it for a while. In case he hasnt I agree with the OP.
  2. Quartermaine

    Dayz mod was great game, now is not

    Obviously, thats why after a year the devs still have no idea how zombies should be implemented. (Edit: Not that I'm ungrateful for the effort that has and continues to be put into the mod, you'll work it out one day guys!) Also OP, What was your suggestion?
  3. Quartermaine

    DayZ - Currency/Shops

    OP, you have a decent idea, but there is no way this game can ever have NPCs like you describe. Exactly, but what If I need a gun that another survivor has, however I don't have anything he wants to trade? The answer is currency; that's why we no longer focus on a barter system in the real world , its way too limited. This is absolutely untrue. Laws have nothing to do with the use of a currency. I would link you to a basic economics tute but I doubt you'd be interested. Basically a government in a central reserve system (attempts) to control money flow and sets basic rules on counterfieting etc. Technically the government doesnt even issue the cash. Currency would be perfectly fine in a post appocalyptic world (just not how OP explained it). Before I blab on too much, my point here is, government is not required for a functional currency.
  4. Quartermaine

    Hate People Who Shoot On Sight? Help Me Out Here!

    Removing sniper rifles will do nothing, I've yet to have an engagement over 300m. Punishing victims will only encourage me to act out of self preservation (i.e. trust no-one). I see no way that a permadeath option would decrease kos. The same goes for the other (at least) two threads on the same subject.
  5. Quartermaine

    Understanding KoS Mentality...

    Citation required. I don't see how decreasing loot spawn rates would have any influence at all on pvp interaction; if anything it would increase kos (he has better items than me, if I kill him I will save a lot of time instead of having to grind for loot). It's a sandbox/survival game, you make your own fun with the tools provided by the design team. Just because kos is no fun for you, doesnt mean other people dislike it.
  6. Quartermaine

    Increased threat posed by zombies...

    OK, so at the moment, zombies are a minor problem. I agree. The biggest issue with the mod is the ability to effectively deal with zombies. Now the best example of an efficient AI zombie combat system is the normal (expert difficulty) zombies in the L4D series. In this game, 1 zombie? No problem. 5 zombies, an issue. 5+ if you're alone, you're gonna have a bad time. Having harder zombies only fixes part of the problem. We ideally need a shove/mellee mechanism to silent(ishly) deal with them. Although I agree that some areas should have a higher concerntration of zombies, which greatly encourages team work in that area. For example, if I agro zombies, should I automatically be handed a death sentence because 1 heard me and called his zombies buddies? What about if I run out of ammo and I'm trapped inside by a zombie in the doorway? I dislike the solo penalty because I don't want to be forced to play only when my buddies are online (we have sometime differering schedules and other games). Anything that involves other players concerns me not. If I'm playing solo I'll adjust my tactics accordingly, thus somewhat negating the effect of "bandit groups". I hope that answers your well thought out reply, let me know if you need more clarification.
  7. Must resist...temptation...to be...forum...policeman... But honestly, OP, ALL of this. I mean ALL of your post; has been addressed in other threads. Why not post in with those?
  8. Quartermaine

    DayZ: SA cars

    Anything that makes vehicles hard to use (opposed to harder to find/access) has my vote. Great suggestion OP.
  9. Quartermaine

    How about a river?

    Already suggested in detail here and in the many posts that inspired mine. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/114082-weather-water-terrain-and-hygiene/#entry1077597
  10. Quartermaine

    Increased threat posed by zombies...

    I don't see how harder/more intelligent zombies will increase the rate of strangers teaming up. As with any suggestion that penalises solo players and forces co-operation, I am against it.
  11. Can you show me the good arguements??? I couldn't find them. Also lock thread? Seems derailed enough.
  12. Quartermaine

    Standalone thoughts?

    What other arguement do you expect? Once upon a time the general public never had access to Alphas. From the general chatter that goes on in these forums and reddit I can see why Alpha access isnt made available to the public. Hell, you even had to be invited to a beta! All of your QC points will be addressed as the Alpha develops into a beta and then into a retail product (with steam patches). As for the PR, There has been a phenominal amount of two-way communication from the devs. I agree, that it was wrong of them to promise a Dec 2012 release, but show me a publisher that has never gone past a scheduled release date. I also agree that things like PAX and (possibly)E3 are premature, but necessary, DayZ SA is a highly anticipated game. You are correct in the release date, it will not be released before E3, and probably not until after Arma 3 retail is released. My guess is a Christmas '13 release or possible Q1 '14 release (to avoid competing with Xbox One and PS4 launch titles). A lot of people are forgetting that BI is a business. BI Should blast disclaimers all over the alpha and post a link to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_release_life_cycle#Alpha (OP, I suggest you read that link also). Funny that. What are you trying to say here?
  13. Quartermaine

    How customizable should clothing/character customization be?

    I'm fairly certain that Dean has alread confirmed/alluded to this sort of thing several times before in past interviews/dev blogs. It's going to happen, I for one am excited to relive this moment Link related, It's my wasteland hero Edit: Tried working out how to make youtube video show in my post. Gave up trying to figure it out.
  14. I hope that the only "easter egg" in the SA is a shitty font like comic sans. That will give people like gummy something to cry about. Honestly the nerve and self entitlement of some of the people waiting for this game is disgraceful. "Give us more screenshots" --> Rocket Delivers --> "Hurr this screenshot sucks, wah wah wah", how does the guy win? It's so obvious that Rocket was trolling too.
  15. Quartermaine

    My two cents about endgame and NPC's

    I am confuse? I kinda see what you are tryna say, but it wouldn't be DayZ with NPCs, it would be something else entirely.